Menopause-Use of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement

Menopause refers to the time in a woman’s life when progesterone, testosterone and estrogen production in the ovarian declines. Fifty-one is known as the average age when this occurs. Depending on the individual, this might be plus or minus couple of years. From a medical standpoint, menopause is described as that point in a woman’s life when her menses stop for one year. This definition describes the event and while this is the case, it is important to note that the actual process can begin as early as ten years. Long before the menses stop however, symptoms and signs will be noted. She may become tired, lose her libido, is easily agitated, depressed and forgetful. In addition to this, the length of her menses also becomes shorter.

Menopause cannot be stopped because it is natural and every woman must go through it. While it is one of the most depressing periods in a woman’s life, how you come out of it is dependent on the approach you take. Women can cope with the condition better however by undergoing hormone therapy. There are different types of therapies used to accomplish this end and while this is the case, some are known to be more effective than others. Bioidentical hormone replacement is one such therapy.

In this case, bioidentical hormones that have similar molecule structure as the hormones found in your body are made in a lab. There are several considerations, which need to come into play before this is used and it includes carrying out a test to determine your hormonal structure. This is for the purpose of ensuring that the bioidentical hormone therapy is carried out, the desired results are achieved. In essence, this is seen as the first step to hormonal balance. These are used in certain amounts and patterns in order to reproduce a healthy physiology.

During the hormone therapy, results are tracked through several tests to ensure that they are customized to meet an individual’s symptoms and health goals. There are several benefits associated with bioidentical hormone replacement and it is important to explore the same in order to get a better idea of whether it is ideal for you or not. Top on the list is the opportunity to enjoy hormone replacement that is individualized. Your doctor is responsible for giving you the proper dosage and this is in terms of strength and choice. This is carried out after you go through hormone testing.

Through use of this hormone therapy, it is possible to have the estrogen and progesterone. Loss of this is what leads to the adverse symptoms and irritations associated with menopause and once they are replaced, it becomes easy to do away with the symptoms associated with this stage of life. To cap it all, bioidentical hormone therapy is also known to pose fewer side effects and this is yet another thing that works to its benefits. From all this, it is plain to see that the best way to deal with menopause is to select the best hormone therapy that addresses the underlying symptoms in a safe and natural manner.

Haber’s Pharmacy is one of Toronto’s oldest pharmacies and specializes in bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (bhrt) and hormone therapy.

Haber’s Pharmacy is one of Toronto’s oldest pharmacies and specializes in bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (bhrt) and hormone therapy.

Author Bio: Haber’s Pharmacy is one of Toronto’s oldest pharmacies and specializes in bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (bhrt) and hormone therapy.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: Menopause, hormone therapy, BHRT, compounding pharmacy

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