More Awesome Benefits of a Triathlon Strength Training Workout

Being a personal fitness trainer, I want to be in on the latest physical fitness statistics. I also maintain a total-body and functional school of thought when it comes to wellness and fitness. That is why I was so blown away by one of the latest studies I found out about. It said that essentially eighty percent of triathletes do not use any kind of cross-training or strength training for triathlon. If only this majority knew just what they were missing out on. You are about to discover how a triathlon strength training workout plan is the next big thing for your race training.

Triathlete more often than not become obsessed with putting in the miles, or building their base, to the point where many of the subtleties of a tri training program become overlooked or ignored. I have heard individuals say that strength training is uninteresting and not as exciting as a quick run or long bike ride. However you may feel about any single aspect of training, it is vital to be disciplined and not overlook something important that will benefit your training and performance.

What is a triathlon strength training workout.

So many people put bodybuilding and strength and resistance training in the same boat. A lot of of my clients told me that they did not have a desire to get bulky by lifting weights. Let me assure you, that will not be the case as long as you do it properly. You will simply want to use weight training to assist you in specific areas and do not need to overdo it. Many professionals suggest a full-body workout two times per week for about 30 minutes. That is it, no need to do much more.

I believe in a functional program. As a result all the exercises will help you function or perform better in your other sports or regular daily routine. For instance, you will want to choose exercises that are similar in position and range of motion that you would usually use for swimming, biking or running

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