Science And Research Give Hope To Fibromyalgia And Chronic Fatigue Sufferers

Progress and Hope:

Science is progressing at an ever increasing pace.

Our understanding of, and treatment interventions for fatigue and fibromyalgia conditions are improving on what, is now, literally, a weekly basis.

In coming to objective, effective conclusions it is important to build a weight of evidence before moving in one direction or the other and this has always been my approach.

I believe strongly that every person is an individual and every sufferer presents with a multitude of differing factors for consideration.

I have discussed at great length that i consider Fibromyalgia/ CFS to be so much more than simply a disease, a singular virus or bacteria as such.

I believe it is a \’condition\’ with a range of underlying causes all of which have combined to leave your body in a state of serious organic illness.

Obsession with Silver Bullets

The reason that conventional medical practice consistently fails when treating these conditions is because conventionally trained health providers are trained to look for a single cause, a single factor, a single disease process that they can diagnose, pigeon hole and treat accordingly.

Unfortunately, what is required in the Fibromyalgia/ CFS arena is a whole body holistic approach with all the body’s systems being tuned back to a state of health.

Everything must be addressed in a logical and orderly pattern to regain wellbeing.

Imagine the state of your car having been written off in an auto wreck. To get the car back on the road:-

Would it be sufficient to repair and reinflate the tyres if the brakes were damaged?

Would it be enough to reset the brakes, and repair the bodywork if the engine will not start?

The analogy may seem simplistic but it is in fact extremely relevant to your current situation.

Recovery from fatigue spectrum syndromes requires total understanding, acceptance, and compliance from the sufferer from the start of treatment.

\’If you do the same things you cannot expect different results\’

If you are not committed to the process then it is likely that you are not yet feeling ill enough, and you are more likely to be suffering from a depressive condition brought on by lifestyle or genetic factors, or what I would describe as natural \’lifecycle\’ events.

Usually Fibromyalgia and CFS sufferers are people who were previously extremely active, who have fallen below a threshold that then becomes self perpetuating, and has lead them into their fatigue or fibromyalgia syndrome.

They are also usually people who will grasp an opportunity to get better with both hands, but paradoxically they are also people who want everything to happen quickly, like…yesterday, and this cannot and will not happen in the recovery process for these conditions.

What is required for recovery from Fibromyalgia/ CFS, is to elevate the body, long term, to a level from where it can resume and maintain its normal function. To settle the body into a new higher state of wellness that is way above the threshold that caused the sufferer to sink into illness.

This requires a massive improvement in cellular energy and metabolic function whose failure is largely responsible for the core features of the condition. There is also usually musculoskeletal involvement in the thoracic and cervical regions which will require manual intervention.

To start the process manual interventions are required to reduce toxicity and associated stress and mobilize any spinal restrictions.

Pioneering New Treatments for Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. No Longer Does Your Quality of Life Have to be Less Than Anyone Else. Beat Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in 40 Days =>

Pioneering New Treatments for Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. No Longer Does Your Quality of Life Have to be Less Than Anyone Else. Beat Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in 40 Days =>

Author Bio: Pioneering New Treatments for Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. No Longer Does Your Quality of Life Have to be Less Than Anyone Else. Beat Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in 40 Days =>

Category: Self Help
Keywords: fibromyalgia,fatigue,toxic stress,spinal restrictions,science,hope,metabolism,chronic fatigue,cfs

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