Stretching Exercises For Patellofemoral Pain

Stretching exercises are used to stop the reoccurrence of injuries as well as the pain that keeps on coming back. There are a lot of variations when it comes to stretching exercises. All of these share the same goal though which is to help recover the motion and flexibility of the affected body part(s) of a patient.

Improper movement on the knee when bending and flexing causes a patellofemoral pain which can hinder motion especially when walking on a stair. Although this may seem to be the type of injury that would still allow you to walk, immediate action should be done in order to prevent future problems.

After consulting with your doctor, he or she will most probably prescribe an exercise program designed to help you heal and recover faster. These are meant to allow proper movement and flexibility which were both lost during the incurrence of the injury. In addition, the lack of motion during your immobilization has made a great impact on your movement. Basically, it means that you will be working on your motion from the start. This can be done by any injured athlete or average individual although it may require dedication due to the demanding physical effort it requires especially when under this condition.

Here are some stretching exercises that will help you regain your movement regardless of the degree of injury you had incurred.

– Quadriceps Stretch – this type of stretching exercise is usually included on programs where the knee is injured. It is very effective in allowing the quadriceps muscles to stretch and contract in order to keep the tissues to bulk up and prevent future injuries. In a standing position, hold the foot of the affected leg with both hands. Try to gently pull it behind as slowly as possible. Do not twist the leg as this can result to discomfort and pain. You should feel a stretch on the quadriceps muscles as you hold the foot for 30 seconds before you release. Repeat the process for three to five times a day. This should be increased every day to achieve faster and more effective results.

– Hamstring Stretch – similar to the above exercise, its goal is to provide fluidity in the movement of the lower limbs. It helps a lot in providing a good range of motion and flexibility on the damaged area of the legs. When doing a hamstring stretch, make sure that you feel the stretch before you hold it for a while in order for the exercise to be more productive. This stretching activity is done while you are sitting on the floor. Basically, all you need to do is to lean forward while you are sitting on the floor with both feet straightened out. As you feel the stretch on the thigh, hold for about 30 seconds before you resume to a relaxed position. Again, repeat the same process for three to five times a day and increase on the following day. You can also add more stretching exercises to your program if you feel that these are not enough.

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Author Bio: I write for TIR Massage Stone about harvesting the ideal basalt stones and hot

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: basalt stones,hot stone,stones stone

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