The Deciding Factor on Whether to Lease Or Buy a Car

Almost every car owner at one point or another has thought of the option on whether they ought to lease or buy a new car. There are numerous factors to think about in deciding whether one is an ideal candidate and if it’s financially beneficial. The tough task for a 1st time lessee is narrowing things down to what’s the primary criterion with regard to leasing, particularly since present studies by Brian Ongaro and his team at Boardwalk Auto Group showed that over 25% of all new vehicles leaving a dealer’s lot are leased cars.

There are lots of undisputable reasons wherein leasing vs. buying has its advantages. Lower monthly costs, higher end model choices, improved safety features and minimum maintenance fees are all the benefits included with a new car. Then again, despite of every advantage cited, the deciding factor that must ultimately bring about a decision for leasing vs. buying is how many miles the prospective buyer expects to drive his car each year. 17,500 – according to car experts, is the magic number, which would be an arguable topic for dialogue in the auto leasing business. Anything less might not be realistic depending upon one’s utilization of his car, while anything greater might end up costing him unnecessary costs.

If one anticipates to put more miles than that, they he should consider buying the car and disregard leasing. If one is really a low-mileage driver, then he should think about leasing. One shouldn’t be leasing for over 3 years or beyond the manufacturer’s warranty, because during the period of the lease, one isn’t anticipating any major maintenance or mechanical costs like tire replacement, timing chain replacement, major engine repairs, transmission repair or air conditioning repairs; just regular maintenance like filter replacements, required fluid changes, tire rotation, etc. If one’s lease goes beyond the company warranty, any mechanical repair would come out of his pocket. Should one exceeds the fixed mileage by means of lease agreement, one would compelled to compensate the additional mileage fee, that is dependent upon one’s lease contract.

If one decides to lease, ignore the choice of buying the vehicle at the end of contract, as one is evidently defeating his intended reason for leasing a car. In addition, one would end up compensating significantly more for the vehicle than if he had bought it outright. It’s also in one’s best interest to lease from a dealer versus any 3rd party lease organization because of the availability of reduced interest choices from the factory. One more reason is that 3rd party lease organizations tend to escalate their prices for higher revenue margins since they bought the car from a dealer to start with and might also try to entice one to think about a lease term of over three years or go beyond the warranty.

Want to know more regarding leasing or buying your own Maserati, Lamborghini, Ferrari, Porsche and other more in-demand luxury cars? Just check out Brian Ongaro and the Boardwalk Auto Group websites.

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Author Bio: For more information on Brian Ongaro and the latest automotive industry updates visit

Category: Automotive
Keywords: Lease Or Buy A Car

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