Understanding Menopause Signs, Treatment and Effects on Women

When a woman is no longer fertile because of aging, then that is an onset of menopause. Let us not get this confused with infertility. Infertility caused by menopause happens when a woman stops having the ability to bear children if she was doing so before she started aging. When menopause occurs, the production of hormones is less and that is where the erratic mood changes and body changes take place. Menstruation cycles also cease at this time and this time not because the woman is pregnant but because of menopause. Menstruation does not stop immediately though, it becomes irregular and eventually it stops.

During menopause, it is impossible for a woman to get pregnant and thus she cannot lactate either. One way to know that the menopause phase is approaching is the irregularity of menstrual flow. In addition, if the flow was heavy and it starts getting lighter or even skips one day then that is another indication of menopause. Production of hormones like estrogen is reduced. This causes the woman to have serious mood changes all the time in that one time she can be euphoric and then in a short time she suffers from manic depression.

Menopause causes women to perspire all the time especially at night and that messes their sleep pattern thus causing insomnia. Irregular heartbeats occur from time to time. These start slow and then eventually the beats become faster and even scarier. Mood changes occur because of the change in hormonal production and that is why women undergoing menopause suffer depression. Another effect of menopause is muscle aches together with joint pains. In addition, whenever the woman is indulging in sexual pleasure, it gets painful in the vaginal area because of vaginal dryness. Another sexual problem is that since menopause lowers their libido, reaching orgasms gets even harder as they continue aging.

Bioidentical hormone replacement is used by women going through menopause so that the adverse effects can be controlled. Hormone supplements are sued to perform the role of the hormones that are not being produced in plenty. Before the hormone supplements are used, the level of female hormones has to be checked to determine the type hormones will be induced. Aging is a prospect of menopause and bioidentical hormone replacement therapy helps in reducing the accelerated pace in which the body is aging. In cases where the woman feels tired all the time, testosterone hormone supplements to charge adrenaline and also to increase the women’s libido.

For the skin problem and insomnia, estrogen and progesterone supplements are used to eradicate insomnia and improve the texture and elasticity of the skin. Androgen hormone therapy increases libido and also deals with the muscle and joint aches experienced during menopause. Hormone therapy on the other hand, is used to lessen the effects of menopause. This means that erratic mood changes will be altered and controlled. So depression will not be experienced and sleep patterns will not be tampered with because of profuse sweating through the night, which can be very uncomfortable. There are different ways of administering hormone therapy; these could be in the form of creams or even gels or even injections and pills.

Looking for more information on BHRT, menopause and hormone therapy? Then visit Haber’s Pharmacy, a leading compounding pharmacy at www.haberspharmacy.com in Toronto.

Looking for more information on menopause and hormone therapy? Then visit a leading compounding pharmacy at Haber’s Pharmacy in Toronto.

Author Bio: Looking for more information on BHRT, menopause and hormone therapy? Then visit Haber’s Pharmacy, a leading compounding pharmacy at www.haberspharmacy.com in Toronto.

Category: Womens Interest
Keywords: Menopause, hormone therapy, BHRT, compounding pharmacy

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