What Do Energy Aggregators Do?
Energy aggregators are composed of groups that unite retail energy consumers together into an entity that allows for finding better rates and services. These could be explained as business associations or even a municipality.
Sometimes there are tenant’s organizations that come together in this manner, or even industrial cooperatives. Brokers are sometimes referred to as energy aggregators as well. They too work to find the best rates for the group of customers that they serve.
In this manner of buying from the market, these participants are purchasing power in blocks, which means that they are able to save a lot of money over the traditional delivery of service. Even local governments such as state, county, townships and villages can act as energy aggregators for people within their community.
In many states, if one resides in a municipally ran utility area, they are not eligible for this type of service. One can inquire with their local power company or contact the PUC or utilities commission in their state to see if their particular residence can participate or not.
Some states give the consumer the right to opt in or opt out of any energy aggregators group. This means that they must be an active participant in the program in order to receive access to the pool, and this type of opt in program does not have to be approved by voters through the election process.
An opt-out situation means that the consumer is automatically enrolled in the particular program that is being promoted and the program must be approved by voters through the election process.
Whenever groups are engaging energy aggregators and making this type of decision for the first time, they need to decide the following first:
– What are the needs of this group
– What is the possible savings potential
– What are the benefits of opt-in and opt-out programs
– How will the participants be educated about this program
– How much consumption will the group consume
– Do we want to join other groups who have already done this to become larger and get better prices.
Answering these types of questions can go a long way toward making this type of a transition much easier for every single person that is involved in the group. The utilities commission in each individual state will have a lot of information regarding how these groups work and what they entail.
In some states there are educational classes and programs that are provided free of charge to people who want to explore this type of group. They will also be able to answer the various questions consumers may have concerning what each phase includes, and how this affects each and every customer.
They will also be able to explain how it will affect the larger consumers, such as businesses and commercial industries that join in as well.
This can be a great way to purchase large quantities of power. And it can be extremely helpful in the effort to save a lot of money in the long run.
MXenergy offers energy aggregators and operates as a power company
for commercial as well as residential energy in many deregulated areas.
Please visit us at http://www.mxenergy.com/ for all your energy needs.
Author Bio: MXenergy offers energy aggregators and operates as a power company
for commercial as well as residential energy in many deregulated areas.
Category: Home Management
Keywords: electricity supply companies, natural gas rates, energy companies, saving energy