About Punbb and How to Install & Uninstall Hostgator Punbb

Hostgator Punbb, is a reliable and past, PHP-powered discussion board. Rickard Anderson, who used it while he was working on a project, created it. He used it as a substitute, on two over featured and graphic discussion boards. He wanted something fast, with a simple layout and design, simple moderation and administration techniques; it could also be easily understood. It was first released on 7th August 2003, it has been constantly developing since then. Hostgator Punbb was developed to ensure the satisfaction of users.

Punbb’s developments through the years have been remarkable. January 2005, they released Punbb 1.2, after this there was no developments scene for a long time. Then near the end of 2005, they started to work on Punbb 1.3. They sold their rights to informer technologies in 2007, because of their interest in the software development program. After, an entire year of working the 1.3 Beta was released in 2008. Therefore, the uses can enjoy the newly improved version of Punbb.

The Hostgator Punbb is free software, as it is under the general public license (GUI). Punbb first priority is to be faster, less graphically concentrated, and smaller, in comparison to other discussion boards. On Hostgator Punbb has fewer-features than other discussion boards, but it is faster and has a smaller output.


Hostgator Punbb requires hypertext processor, as it is PHP-writer software also. This software requires a database, in which all the data can be stored. Due to this, it supports PostgreSQL, SQLite, and MySQL, it has all the features of a better forum.

Installing it on Hostgator Punbb:

– It is a fast and easy way of installing Punbb on your Hostgator account. Just follow the steps.

– Login on cPanel.

– Look for the quick installation section, under software/services.

– Right-click on Punbb link, found under the forum software.

– Right-click on continue.

– You will be required to fill in the website details, like the URL address, of where you want it installed. In addition, you will be asked for the admin email address, the title and subtitle of the forum. Once you have filled the information, read through it again, and click install now.

– The installation bar will appear, showing you the process.

Once it is finished, you will be provided with the username and password for the admin. This will let you login to the forum, so keep it safe.

After the process is complete, you can start using your free Punbb software, on your forum.

How to uninstall Punbb:

If you ever feel the need to uninstall Punbb form your Hostgator account, follow the few steps given below:

– To uninstall login to cPanel, and click on quick install.

– Right-click where it says manage installation.

– A list of all the installed software\’s will appear, look for Punbb.

– Once you have located Punbb, right-click on the red cross, that will appear right next to Punbb.

– When you click on it, two option will be offered, to uninstall Punbb, of to cancel the process.

– Click on uninstall, and wait for a few minutes, so that the process has been finished.

You can get more information on how to install punbb on hostgator with screen shots at hostgatorcouponandreview website.

Get more detailed tutorial on how to install punbb on hostgator at http://hostgatorcouponandreview.com/hostgator-punbb.html .

Author Bio: You can get more information on how to install punbb on hostgator with screen shots at hostgatorcouponandreview website.

Category: Internet
Keywords: punbb, hostgator, web hosting, hosting, internet

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