Breast Care Tips For Pregnant Women

Pregnancy brings with it not only the blessing of a new baby, but also a variety of noticeable changes physically, and your breasts are no exception. It can be said that these structures are easily affected by hormonal changes. Also it is at this time that the breasts are most sensitive. So to help you care for your breasts during your pregnancy, here are some tips that you can follow.

It can be expected that the breasts become enlarged or engorged during pregnancy. Once you feel that your breasts are becoming too snug for your bra, make sure that you purchase some new ones. Maternity bras can certainly make things a lot more comfortable for you usually when significant breast changes start to occur around the third to fourth month of pregnancy. This type of bra can also give your breast the right support that it needs, therefore avoiding significant breast sagging later on. Also the support provided by bras prevents the formation of stretchmarks due to ligaments being stretched.

A viscous fluid which is called the colostrums will be excreted from the breast usually around the fifth month of pregnancy. This becomes crusted and the surrounding breast skin can be irritated. You have to wash this using a clean soft towel and water. Avoid soaping it because this can be irritating. Also it could lead the nipple to dry making it more vulnerable to cracks, which could be very painful.

You may have to wear breast pads inside your bra to help absorb colostrum. When the pads eventually become wet due to the leakage, make sure to change it regularly so that you don’t risk your breasts getting irritated due to prolonged exposure to moisture.

While you are showering, why don’t you gently pull your nipples outward using your thumb and forefinger. Do these for about ten seconds to prevent your nipples from going backward, since some women have the tendency to fall into this. But if you do observe your nipples to invert, report this to your doctor. This can also lead to breastfeeding problems later on.

During the end of your third trimester, you should massage your breasts to promote the discharge of colostrum. This prevents the incidence of clogged milk ducts later on which can be very painful.

You can also apply some lanolin cream on your breasts to soothe soreness and to prevent cracked nipples. You have to be very careful though in choosing the right brands because some are not made from natural ingredients and may be formulated with toxic substances. The purified form is advised for breastfeeding moms.

There is an old wives tale saying that pregnant women should apply white spirit over their nipples to toughen them up in preparation to breastfeeding. Most experts suggest otherwise, so make sure that you check everything with your doctor first.

When you finally have the baby, breast care is still necessary. After every breastfeeding make sure that you wipe your breast using a damp clean and soft cloth. Wipe it from the inside going outwards in a circular motion.

For new moms, they might notice some degree of change when it comes to the perkiness of the breasts. The effects of gravity and hormonal changes can cause some degree of sagging. A breast augmentation or a breast lift might help this problem, or you should make sure that you regularly wear a good-fitting bra.

Breast Augmentation could make you a whole new person, both physically and emotionally. Thus, it is important that you consult a surgeon who is expert on such field. Dr. Masroor Alam of Esteem Cosmetic Studio is a certified cosmetic practitioner who specializes in cosmetic breast procedures. Avail breast augmentation weekly payment plan in Brisbane and Canberra by clicking here.

Breast Augmentation could make you a whole new person, both physically and emotionally. Thus, it is important that you consult a surgeon who is expert on such field. Dr. Masroor Alam is a certified cosmetic practitioner in cosmetic breast procedures.

Author Bio: Breast Augmentation could make you a whole new person, both physically and emotionally. Thus, it is important that you consult a surgeon who is expert on such field. Dr. Masroor Alam of Esteem Cosmetic Studio is a certified cosmetic practitioner who specializes in cosmetic breast procedures. Avail breast augmentation weekly payment plan in Brisbane and Canberra by clicking here.

Category: Womens Interest
Keywords: breast care after pregnancy, breast care tips, breast perkiness

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