Christian Meditation

There are many different ways to seek a closer relationship with the Lord and His son, Jesus Christ. Some people chose to grow closer to their Heavenly Father through worship in a congregation, others through deep study of Holy Scriptures. Simply praying can also help people become more attuned to the deeper messages of God. Christian meditation can play a role in fostering an intimate relationship with their Father.

The principal behind meditation is very easy to understand; by relaxing in a calm environment and clearing the mind, a person is able to focus their entire attention on a single object or idea. Freedom from outside distractions allows one to attain a deeply relaxed, yet focused state of consciousness that is very close to that observed in hypnotized people. While in this frame of mind, the subconscious mind is able to devote its attention to the single idea the person wishes to gain fuller understanding of.

Achieving a meditative state to receive the word of God is best approached through silent prayer, coupled with contemplation of a specific scriptural verse or verses. The choice of verse is entirely individual, and while a verse may be chosen before hand, often the appropriate passage will spontaneously come to mind during prayer. If a particular scriptural reference comes to mind, then focusing on that verse would most likely be beneficial, whether the immediate benefit is obvious or not. At this point, focus on measured breathing; allow the body to relax and the mind to still itself, and contemplate the deeper meaning behind the scriptures in general, or the particular passage or passages that have drawn attention to themselves.

Enter into the quiet space that is within everyone, continuing to focus on the essence and nature of the relationship between the words of the Lord and their meaning to man. Many people, while engaged in this form of silent prayer, find themselves listening for the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit, that voice which comes to all who are open to receive its communications and counsel. The Holy Spirit enters into a person best when that person is in a state of deep contemplation, removed from the distractions of the physical world in which we move.

Receiving the word of the Holy Spirit and drawing closer to our Father in Heaven and His son is the ultimate goal of Christian meditation. Unlike eastern forms of meditation, this form of communication is directed outward, seeking a stronger bond with the Lord, rather than inward to find an answer within ourselves. This is the central difference between prayer and mantra. Prayer leads the conscious and subconscious mind away from the bonds imposed by our earthly form, towards a higher state of being, while a mantra draws the mind inward, away from a true communion with the Holy Spirit. One should always be mindful of the difference between these two states, keeping thoughts focused on prayer and earnestly seeking guidance from the still small voice that will reveal the mysteries of the Lord.

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Category: Religion
Keywords: holy spirit,christian meditation,silent prayer

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