Controlling Office Supplies Causing an Unnecessary Tension or a Cost Efficient Act


Its such an old topic that it is frequently made fun of in television sitcoms. The missing whiteboards, the overly expensive office furniture, or the stolen stapler and envelopes. Office supplies are often a hot button topic. How much company money should be spent on them, what should be the penalty for stealing them, who should order them, and how much should be ordered. While controlling office supplies is a good idea in theory, it can frequently get out of hand, and cause a great deal of stress in what may be an already tense environment.

The Issue.

It really is very basic. Companies are tight with their money, especially when they are spending internally. There is usually one person who does the supply ordering for the entire office, and that person must get every ordered approved. Someone requesting office furniture because theirs is old and damaged, or because a new hire requires a desk, may have to wait weeks for a response, because the person approving the purchase has to make sure that the order will not cause friction in the budget.

Smaller supplies are also a bone of contention in some companies. If a person loses a stapler, he or she could be asked to replace it out of their own pocket. This saves the company money, but not the employee. Also, while some firms will provide pens, pencils, paperclips, and rubber bands, there are a great many who will not. Even supplies like paper and envelopes are closely guarded. Some schools, for example, will only let a teacher print a limited number of copies per day. If the teacher can only make fifty copies a day and he or she has seventy five students, that means the teacher must spend money from their own pocket to make sure each student has a copy of the material. For teachers and office workers alike, this can cause stress, especially if they are on a tight budget already.

The question then becomes, how does the company distribute and control office supplies effectively without putting undue stress on the workers, and the people who must order and maintain said supplies. A solution must be developed. Some stress in the work environment can be healthy and motivational, but it can also cause debilitating behaviors that may actually make an employees productivity suffer. It seems silly at first to think that something as simple as office supplies can cause so much tension, yet in many offices, that tension is a sad reality.

The Solution.

It is simpler than one might think. Companies should first examine the supplies that are not often ordered, such as office furniture and whiteboards. They should replace whatever items obviously need replacing. If there is adequate storage available, ordering one or two extra rarely purchased supplies will have them on hand for new hires or the rare emergency. This gets the big ticket items out of the way.

Next, companies should monitor how often people need replacement supplies. Having employees sign a sheet each time they get a new box of envelopes or pens may seem tedious, but it allows the company supervisors to see what supplies are being used, and what frequency they are being replaced at. The company can then allot supplies to employees. An employee can have two box of pens per month for example. After two boxes, the employee must pay for their own pens. It takes financial stress off of the company and the employee. Companies should also inform potential employees what supplies they might have to buy for themselves. That way, there are no surprises and the employee knows what they are responsible for and what the company is willing to cover. With a solution in place, the work environment will be much more stable and productive.

Lyndsey Mcdonald comes with a extensive broad range of office and company supplies knowledge and is also regarded a pro in all aspects. Please visit for products and information on office supplies.

Lyndsey Mcdonald comes with a extensive broad range of office and company supplies knowledge and is also regarded a pro in all aspects. Please visit for products and information on office supplies.

Author Bio: Lyndsey Mcdonald comes with a extensive broad range of office and company supplies knowledge and is also regarded a pro in all aspects. Please visit for products and information on office supplies.

Category: Business
Keywords: office supplies, business supplies, office stationary, whiteboards, sellotape, envelopes

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