Getting Paid to Play Video Games

How can one get paid to be a video games tester? Being a video games tester may be fun for some (particularly the younger ones), but being a tester may prove to be an arduous task for others. Is there someone who can play the same game over and over again for hours and still say that the job is highly enjoyable? Not many would be able to answer that question in a positive way.

One may find a games tester job to be quite tedious. Repetition makes this game-playing job somewhat boring and dragging. A games tester may have to play one level of a game for hours and for several months. The purpose of this job is to find or discover bugs or errors during the course of playing the game.

Poor compensation and the lack of respect may be hindrances to get paid to be a video games tester. Aside from financial compensation, games testers also need a modicum of respect from their peers. Perhaps because these testers render a lot of overtime, they may often be overlooked by regular employees of the game developing company. These games testers may not always be accorded the same respect regular employees enjoy. Moreover, games testers – who are often contractors – get no more than the hourly minimum wage minus the benefits.

Let not the above paragraphs be hindrances for people to apply for a job as video games testers. Getting in the gaming industry – even as a video games tester – takes time, commitment, and networking. The first step to become a games tester is making contact. One cannot simply check the classified ads to seek firms looking for testers to play their latest games. One has actually to go to the company and let them know his or her gaming skills, who he or she is, and why he or she would make a great games tester.

The second step is making sure to project a professional demeanor. Experience is essential to the job and one must not be afraid to mention about how many consoles and games he or she owns and how many hours he or she plays. The third step is taking the job seriously. One has to be sure to carefully read the instructions before commencing play. One has to be mindful what the company seeks in a particular level of play.

The fourth step is keeping notes. The important thing is making sure the right data gets sent back to the company. This is tricky as games testers may lose track of time and purpose and they may have nothing to report back to the company. The fifth step is being proactive in tackling new projects.

The benefits to get paid to be a video games tester far outweigh the negativity surrounding such profession. The bottom line is that one can get sheer entertainment and one can consider this job as noble. Because of a games tester’s sacrifice, people who buy games can be assured of worry-free and enjoyable gaming.

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Category: Jobs
Keywords: get paid to be a video games tester

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