Help Oneself With Genesis Medical Aid

Genesis Medical Aid makes it possible to live a healthy life without having to pay exorbitant prices. To become healthy, one does not need to spend so much money on insurance. To safeguard one’s health, again, a person does not need to expend so much. Genesis Medical Aid assures its subscribers that a health insurance does not have to cost excessively. This medical scheme features medical plans that are affordable for almost everyone. Also, subscribers of this scheme will have the ability to make a choice regarding the hospital that they will want to seek help from. Rest assured the medical plans provided by this scheme would be briefly discussed in this article.

Private Choice is one of Genesis’ medical plans. This plan features unlimited hospital stay accommodation on any hospital that the subscriber chooses to seek help from. Aside from that, this medical plan also provides basic dentistry and emergency medical evacuation for its subscribers. Outside of the hospital benefits are also provided by this medical plan but the scope covered is very limited.

Another medical plan provided by Genesis is called Private. The Private medical plan seeks to cover limitlessly the hospital accommodation expenses of each subscriber. Furthermore, this plan features basic dentistry benefits for the subscribers. The medical plan also covers major medical illnesses’ expenses and diagnostic scopes’ payments on a limited scale. Emergency medical evacuation is also provided for by this medical plan.

The third plan that this medical scheme, Genesis, offers to its subscribers is the Private Plus plan. The Private Plus medical plan was specifically made for both hospital and day-to-day cover. Just like the previous medical plans, Private Plus offers its subscribers covers for basic dentistry and emergency medical evacuation. Major illnesses’ expenses will also be shouldered by this medical plan. Diagnostic scopes will be paid as well but they are subject to limitation. Hospitalization is free and unlimited to any hospital of the subscriber’s choice. A feature introduced in this plan is the medical savings account. The medical savings account will be accessible at any point of time to the medical plan subscriber.

The fourth medical plan available for selection for Genesis members is the Private Comprehensive plan. This plan compared to the other three has a more extensive range of benefits. However, similar to the other three, hospitalization is also free and unlimited for this plan’s subscribers. Basic dentistry and emergency medical evacuation expenses will also be covered by this plan. Major illnesses and diagnostic scopes will also be covered but there are limitations to that. This plan was designed to offer both hospital and day-to-day coverage. Just like the Private Plus plan, this plan also boasts of its medical savings account accessible to all of its subscribers. The medical plan also uniquely offers its subscribers free medication and consultation.

As aforementioned, health insurances do not need to be expensive. This medical scheme provides an extensive range of medical benefits without necessitating its subscribers to pay exorbitant prices. With a bit of luck, this article has been helpful to Genesis Medical Aid potential subscribers out there. More information regarding the medical plans can be seen on the web.

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Author Bio: Get your quote on Genesis Medical Aid today.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: health insurance, medical aid, genesis, genesis medical aid

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