How to Answer and Make Money

At the risk of sounding ancient, I remember the old days when you needed to find information about a subject. You’d just head on over to the public library, usually in the center of town. Oh how I remember the many times I’d have to get information for some school paper or project!

It hasn’t been that way for a number of years now. For at least a couple of decades people have just got on the internet with their favorite search engine and looked up information directly. The internet has it all.

But now it’s managed to get even more direct, even socially interactive. What I’m talking about is “Yahoo Answers.” Rather than doing all the research themselves, many today go to Yahoo Answers and ask someone else, someone with knowledge about a given subject. It also allows them to interact with another person.

But did you know you could also make money with it? I’m going to tell you how. There are just 3 things you’ll need to do: 1) Figure out what everyone is talking about, that is, the most popular subject areas that people are asking questions about, 2) Get everything set up and 3) Make money.

The first thing you’ll want to do, obviously, is go to Yahoo Answers. Here you have two options. You can click on most popular or go with your personal interests or some subject matter in which you consider yourself expert. When you pick some really talked about topics, look to see how many open questions there are. You want to make sure that there are at least 100; if you get a couple of thousand or so, even better. Make yourself a list of the most talked about topics; you’ll want to pick about 5 or 6. That’s about it for step 1.

In step 2 you’re going to put everything together–get “your ducks in a row,” so to speak. First you’re going to want to join a CPA network. You can find these doing an internet search with your preferred search engine. CPA stands for “cost per action.” These networks have companies that will pay you for each email or zip code you can get for them. This will add up quite quickly.

Now you want to choose 1 or 2 companies whose products/services match up with your list of 5 or 6 talked about areas where a lot of questions are being asked. Just pick 1 or 2 subject areas for the time being that you are or would like to become expert in. Be sure that your chosen companies have email and zip code submits for which they’ll pay you. Contact them to get your affiliate links that you’ll use in domain forwarding.

The next thing is to purchase a cool domain name that you’ll use for forwarding as mentioned above. I use GoDaddy for this, but you can use another domain naming company; that’s up to you. You’ll want to stick with a .com on the end of your domain name, because people are most used to that. Your actual domain name should have the product/service you’re marketing in it. Stay away from hyphens and numbers. Keep it short and simple. Then you’ll set up domain forwarding, where people will click on the domain name you just purchased and then be directed/forwarded to the affiliate link you got from your affiliate company. So when people click on your domain and are forwarded to your affiliate company, they’ll enter their email address or zip code and then you’ll get paid. After a while (short while) you could be making a few hundred dollars a day. You aren’t going to get rich from this, but the money you make could fund other money-making endeavors or just give you some extra cash each month. It’s up to you.

The final step is making money. Refer, once again, to your list of topics with lots of questions being asked. Type in, in the search box, keywords that go along with the areas of questions with which you decided to answer; it also should go along with the product/service you’re promoting. For example, you might choose to promote material that pertains to horse training. So you’ll type in open questions regarding horse training.

At this point you’re not going to recommend your domain name or affiliate program. You’re simply doing to be friendly and personable, answering the individual’s question. You want to get to be known as a large contributor of answers–really to the point where in your area you start to be seen as an expert and trustworthy. So when you do put in your domain name, people will trust you and click on it.

Initially you’re going to answer 11 or so questions. Then on the 12th, you’ll make your pitch. Your first 11 answers should be a couple or so sentences; nothing too long but right to the point. You’re sales pitch, however, will be multiple paragraphs long. At the end you’ll do a soft-sell, almost, where you’ll say something like, “I found this information at this really cool website; check it out.” You don’t want to come off like it’s your site. Remember, the key is to always be helpful and friendly. If you don’t know what to write as an answer or if you consider yourself a bad writer, do a search, once again, to get an idea of what others have said. But keep in mind: don’t copy another’s work. If you use someone’s article/words, put it in quotes or make reference to them somehow. Give credit where credit is due.

Just a couple of words of warning: Give 11 or more non-sales answers. If you’re always making a sales pitch, Yahoo will ban you for spamming.

Second, answer the person’s question. Now I know that sounds obvious, kind of a Da! But you’d be surprised at how many give answers and never once address the person’s question. It’s easy to lose focus, so stay on task.

Good luck, have fun and do well.

If you found this article of help to you and if you’d like further information, then you’ll want to take a look at the free video tutorials at the link below.

This author is an internet marketer and consultant. He promotes various products and services online and offline, using a variety of methods and techniques.

Maverick Money Making Group

This author is an internet marketer and consultant. He promotes various products and services online and offline, using a variety of methods and techniques.

Author Bio: This author is an internet marketer and consultant. He promotes various products and services online and offline, using a variety of methods and techniques.

Maverick Money Making Group

Category: Advice
Keywords: Home-based business, Home business, Business opportunity, Make money online, Work from home, Interne

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