How-To Get Your Calls Returned – The Secrets of Leaving Voice Mails
You finally got the guts to call the customer and they didn\’t answer their phone. Now you\’re faced with the dreaded voice mail message – to leave or not to leave… that is the question!
My opinion – Always leave a voice mail. This assumes, of course, that you had a legitamate reason to call to start with.
What option do you think is best? If you’re like most people, you will leave your typical follow-up message of, “Hello Mr Smith, this is Eric with XYZ Roofing. I\’m just calling to touch base on the quote I created for you. My phone number is 123-4567 I hope to hear from you soon with any questions you might have or if you want to move forward with anything.\”
Hit close to home? Chances are you\’ve said something exactly like that in a recent voice mail.
NEWS FLASH – Only your Mother would return this sort of message from you.
When you call to \”check in\” on a proposal, your customer hears this, “Mr Smith, this is Eric calling to see if you’re ready to give me money. Stop whatever you are doing and call me right away…I need to figure out how you want to give me your hard-earned money.\”
Maybe it isn\’t a mystery as to why you aren\’t getting your voice mails returned!
How do you get a call back? How about giving them a reason to return your message. You do this by bringing new information to the table, presenting something of value… or both!
Here is my personal challenge to you…
Write down your voice mail message before you call the customer. Ask yourself, \”If I was the customer would I return this phone call\”? Putting yourself in the customer’s shoes can make it easier to tell if you are correctly following-up or just checking to see if they are ready to spend their money!
As you can see, it\’s all about leaving information in a way that moves the customer to action. Follow-up should be packed with value. If people aren\’t calling you back, chances are yo aren\’t packing much value!
Still not 100% sure how to correctly follow-up? Drop the generic \”checking in\” script and start giving the customer a real reason to call you. Here are a few things I\’ve done that resulted in returned phone calls…
-Present options or add-ons related to your original proposal
-Bring up priority scheduling to increase urgency
-Provide reference letters that the customer can relate to
-Provide pictures to the customer so they can see how good of a job you do
-Invite customers to see a similar project \”in-progress\”
Notice that all of the above things directly involve the customer and present new things that relate directly to them. This is a stark contrast to the typical follow-up message you may be accustomed to.
Do you get your phone calls returned? What do you say to move the customer to action? How can you customize your message to position yourself as a priority in the customer\’s mind. Are you willing to do the hard work that makes selling roofing easy?
Share your stories with me at the Roof Sales Training Website – Roof Your World.
Stay Dry,
Share your stories with me on the Roof Sales Training Website –
Stay Dry,
Author Bio: Share your stories with me at the Roof Sales Training Website – Roof Your World.
Stay Dry,
Category: Marketing
Keywords: roof sales,roof sales training,roofing sales,increase roof sales,voice mail,roofing sales training,r