How to Prepare Your Boat Before Taking it Out for the First Summer Trip

If this is your first time to take your boat out in summer, you should first know some tips on how to prepare your boat for the hot season. Whether you are fishing by yourself, boating with your family and friends, or just going out into the waves to enjoy the serenity and quiet of being in the ocean, you have to make sure that your boat is in tiptop condition for the hot season. You do not want to have any trouble while you are in the middle of the water.

Just like using your car, it is important to do an inspection before you take out your boat to the water. Here are some useful tips on how to prepare your boat before taking it out for the first summer trip.

Check the oil

When you put out the boat for the whole winter and spring season and never used it ever since, you probably did not change the oil. If so, you need to change the oil and the filter to make sure that it will run smoothly. This can prevent further damage to your boat’s engine which is even more costly. It is important to check the oil first prior to taking your boat out into the waters.

Inspect the battery

You have to reconnect the cables if you removed them when you put out the boat. It is also important to check the cables and terminals for any signs of corrosions. Corroded cables and terminals may cause serious problems to your boat. Some batteries require water. Make sure that you fill it up with water because a dry battery can damage your boat. It is also important to check your battery using a tester. It will determine of it has the right volts and amps. You will know if you need to replace your battery if it is still not working even after charging it.

Test the engine

To test the engine, all you need to do is to start your boat before you take it out into the waters. If it is in good running condition, you will be able to start the engine without any problem. If it sputters and dies several times, you have to do something about it first before you leave for your trip.

Inspect the hull

It is also important to check the hull or the body of the boat for any cracks or holes. Go around your boat and look at the hull closely to make sure that it is in good condition. You do not want to sail in a boat full of cracks which will not only make your summer boating trip a hassle but can also endanger your life.

Check the electrical wirings

Boats also have electrical wirings. These can fail when not used for a long time or when your boat was stored for a long time during winter. You need to ensure that the lights, horn, stereo, bilge, pumps, and depth sounders are working properly.

Check the cooling system

If you live in a place where winter gets really cold, you have probably drained the cooling system to prevent it from freezing. If it was drained, you have to fill it back up. Clean the system first and make sure that it has no cracks.

Bring life jackets and fire extinguishers

You have to bring enough life jackets for everyone who are going out into the sea with you. Your boat should also have fire extinguishers, which are extremely important especially during the summer season. Make sure that your fire extinguishers are working. Of course, you have to know how to use the fire extinguisher and what to do in case your boat catches fire.

Know more about so you can have extensive knowledge about boats. Visit

Know more about so you can have extensive knowledge about boats. Visit

Author Bio: Know more about so you can have extensive knowledge about boats. Visit

Category: Automotive
Keywords: boat repair, yacht, sailboat, boating, Seattle, Port Orchard, Washington, marine, outdoor, sport

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