How to Stop Hair Loss? Know the Effective Hair Loss Remedies

Hair loss is a normal phenomenon. If you see some hair on your comb, you don’t have to go berserk right away because naturally you would lose a hundred strands daily. But if the shedding causes you to show bald areas, then something serious could be at play. Excessive hair loss can be caused by a number of factors and to effectively know how to treat it you must get to know each of them first.

Hair loss can be caused by poor nutrition. If your diet is low on the essential vitamins and minerals, you also deplete your hair from its vitality. This will result to stringy, dry and coarse hair which eventually leads to easy breakage and excessive shedding.

Consuming foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids can improve the health of your scalp, and this you can get from salmon. Dark green and leafy vegetables also help improve the moisture of your hair and it also contains healthy doses of iron and calcium, which improves hair strength. Beans are also good for the hair since it contains zinc, biotin and iron, the nutrients that promote hair growth and improve hair quality.

Since your diet will not always provide you with all the nutrients that you need, you can fill in the nutritional gaps with supplements. A good multivitamin supplement made out of natural ingredients would be the smart option.

Washing your hair regularly also prevents possible hair loss. It cleanses both your scalp and hair from the dirt, oil and grimes that builds up which can cause infections and conditions such as dandruff. An unhealthy scalp can be a poor environment for your hair follicles to thrive on therefore leading to hair loss.

The best way to wash your hair is to use a mild and organic shampoo. Not only does it cleanse but it also provides your scalp and hair with the necessary ingredients to prevent or reduce the chances of hair loss.

If you are suffering from certain scalp condition which can cause hair loss, you can also use medicated shampoos to relieve this problem. Remember to massage the shampoo rather than rubbing it vigorously on your wet and sensitive hair.

Sometimes hair loss can be caused by an imbalance in your hormones. To obtain a more accurate diagnosis, it is best consult your doctor so you can also get proper treatment. In some cases the doctor would advise hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to stabilize any imbalance.

Medications may also be prescribed to you by your doctor. Names such as Rogaine or Minoxidil have been known to provide impressive results in effectively combating hair loss. Although the downside to this is that it also has accompanying side effects, ironically one of them is hair loss.

Laser treatment therapy is also an effective measure to stop and treat hair loss. The laser directed at the scalp promotes better circulation which can stimulate hair growth.

But if you are struck with a more permanent hair loss such as androgenetic alopecia or what is called male pattern baldness, unfortunately you cannot stop this type of hair loss condition because it is genetically acquired.

Surgical hair restoration would be a good option to answer to this problem. The procedure requires the transfer of hair grafts from the occipital portion which is the donor area, to the balding site which is often at the front.

Although it is a good permanent option, some are put off by the cost. Hair transplant in Australia alone can cost you around thousands of dollars, depending on the extent of the problem and the approach used.

To effectively stop hair loss, you need to closely coordinate with your doctor to get safe and proper treatment.

If your hair loss problem is permanent, a good hair transplant is among the best treatment to effectively improve the problem. At the Australian Institute of Hair Restoration (AIHR) we provide safe and quality service, through the skills and expertise of renowned hair transplant specialist, Dr. Andrew Kim. We provide hair transplant in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Canberra.

Dr. Andrew Kim of The Australian Institute of Hair Restoration ( practice hair transplantation surgery in Canberra, Melbourne, and Sydney Australia. Free consultation is availabe to help you explore your options and the desired outcome.

Author Bio: If your hair loss problem is permanent, a good hair transplant is among the best treatment to effectively improve the problem. At the Australian Institute of Hair Restoration (AIHR) we provide safe and quality service, through the skills and expertise of renowned hair transplant specialist, Dr. Andrew Kim. We provide hair transplant in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Canberra.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: hair loss problem,hair loss treatment,causes of hair loss,hair transplant

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