New Book Exposes 12 Weird Little Psychological Tricks Used by Salespeople

Selling Outside the Square: ‘Creative Ways to Help YOU Make More Sales’ is more than just a normal book. Like a happy-go-lucky companion who has a lot to say about selling, buying and everything that comes in between, it offers guidance for salesmen as well as savvy customers who want to know how to avoid the insider tips and 12 weird little tricks salespeople can secretly employ to persuade shoppers to buy more things.

Selling today is really unlike what it was like a couple of years back. Today, there is not really a place for mindless marketing and baseless sales banter. Plus customers nowadays are more evolved and won’t fall prey to the tricks that salespeople employ, right? Wrong! While today’s customers still have a wide range of choice that they can exercise and this often makes selling extremely difficult for salespeople, there are still many weird little tricks that salespeople will sometimes use. One trick, for example, is to make a bold statement that can’t really be proven like “Selling Outside The Square, Amazon’s best selling book of all time is here!” ‘Selling Outside the Square’ book delivers the goods for sales and people gets curious about selling and salespeople. One reviewer of the book who works in hotel management wrote: ‘I just read this book and have taken some of the steps that Bob outlines and put them to work. What I have found is that his strategies, while simple and easy to follow, actually do work.’

The book shares some insider knowledge and tips needed to deal with tough customers too- but will they work on teenagers? Not so sure. Still, one reviewer wrote: “I am a housewife and loved this book because I believe this book may appeal not only to people that WANT to sell – but those that want to BUY. To know the tricks that salesmen might use when trying to get you to buy a product (sometimes completely unnecessary) is a good thing.”

The book offers a modern take on salesmanship and how selling can be made fun and interactive both for the customer as well as the salesperson, housewife or trophy husband. Perhaps a better title might be: Selling Outside the Square: Tips and Tricks for Selling to the Me Generation” because that is the main focus: how to sell to our current Generation Me society which most sales books never talk about.

In fact, other sales guides preach the importance of setting goals and hard work which is well and good but the end result is they make selling seem overly-manipulative and/or boring. Selling Outside the Square is different because it feels fresh, current and is fun to read. The format of the book has a very conversational tone to it making the content seem more honest, funny and personal. It is a book that may be an even better book to listen to as well in order to get the best hang at selling and buying.

Kelly Clarke is a reporting journalist with She is also a specialist in press release distribution.

Kelly Clarke is a reporting journalist with She is also a specialist in press release distribution and newswire service.

Author Bio: Kelly Clarke is a reporting journalist with She is also a specialist in press release distribution.

Category: Marketing
Keywords: sales, marketing, books, new book release, book release press release

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