Reasons For Hair Loss: Weight Loss and Dieting
Staying fit when all you see are cooking shows, comfort foods, and sweet treats, can be very challenging. There are so many tempting options that not only trick our system into feeling temporarily satiated, but most of the time these foods are just downright tasty. So to protect yourself from all these unhealthy temptations, to keep your body in shape or simply the fact of wanting to live longer, we result to dieting. As much as this is designed for the good, some people take it to the extreme which causes a myriad of problems, hair loss being one of them.
Diet by definition is the total of all the foods that an organism consumes, regardless of its nutritional content and amount. Dieting on the other hand is a term which pertains to a particular selection of food to control weight and supposedly with the intent of improving one’s health.
Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who are bent on reducing their weight that follow unhealthy diet regimens. Sometimes desperation drives these people to take drastic measures to cut back drastically on their total intake causing the nutritional value that they are getting to suffer. With this, you also lose essential vitamins and minerals which can lead to hair loss.
For instance a dietary deficiency in B complex vitamins which is essential for hair growth and production can cause excessive hair shedding. To fill in any deficiency, you can take vitamin B supplements. For those who choose to go vegan, you need to consider taking vitamin B12 supplements because you will have a hard time obtaining this nutrient with a diet that doesn’t include meat.
Getting very few amounts of vitamin A can also contribute to hair loss. This particular vitamin promotes the growth of your cells and tissues, your hair included. When your system is deprived of vitamin A for too long, dandruff and hair loss can occur.
Other key nutrients which if deficient can cause hair loss include vitamin C, copper, zinc and protein. Aside from that, your hair also needs adequate hydration to ensure that it remains healthy. So do make sure that you have taken a healthy amount of fluids.
Losing all these key nutrients will lead your skin, nails and hair to become dry and brittle. With your hair being so sensitive, it can easily surrender to hair loss. Although in most cases some sources say that this type of hair loss can be reversible, but there are instances where malnutrition permanently cause hair loss.
Aside from losing important nutrients, extreme dieting can also cause significant stress to your body, and stress can trigger hair loss. This is aggravated more if there is an abrupt weight loss within a short span of time through crash dieting. Examples of such fad diets include the Atkin’s diet or the South Beach diet. Not only will you be exposing your body to a significant lack of nutrients but also impairing the ability to absorb and retain nutrients. At some point this can eventually take a toll on your hair leading to excessive hair shedding.
So if you want to lose some excess pounds, make sure that if there is anything that you have to cut back on, it should only be unhealthy food choices. There is a fine line between bad diet and hair loss. And if you want to keep your hair while getting a healthy system and a fit body, you don’t have to go berserk and starve yourself, just always remember to eat healthy.
If permanent hair loss has taken its course, you can trust The Hair and Laser Clinic to successful restore your full head of hair through hair transplantation in Singapore. With the renowned Dr. Tyng Tan heading our team, you can be well assured only the best result. Please feel free to add her in your google plus circle +Dr Tyng Tan.
Dr Tan Tyng Yuan is the Clinical Director of The Hair & Laser Clinic in Singapore, a clinic with special interest in Hair Transplants, Hair Regrowth and Medical Aesthetics (
Author Bio: If permanent hair loss has taken its course, you can trust The Hair and Laser Clinic to successful restore your full head of hair through hair transplantation in Singapore. With the renowned Dr. Tyng Tan heading our team, you can be well assured only the best result. Please feel free to add her in your google plus circle +Dr Tyng Tan.
Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: causes of hair loss,reasons for hair loss,hair restoration,weight loss effect