The History of Bumper Stickers and More

Bumper stickers, obviously, came into being after the advent of the automobile. However, we do know that bumper stickers did not exist on the earliest cars, such as the Ford Model T and Model A. This is because these cars did not have bumpers at all. However, the Ford Model A did add bumpers in 1927. Some say that the modern bumper sticker was invented by a person named Forest Gill, who was a silkscreener in Kansas City in the 1920s, but this is not certain.

Some of the first bumper stickers that Americans remember seemed to appear just before World War 2. Many of these early bumper stickers were similar to flags and were attached to the metal bumper by several wires. Gill the silkscreener is thought to have come up with the idea to put adhesive that is pressure sensitive on the back of the sticker. This made bumper stickers much easier to put onto cars and naturally their popularity soared.

One of the first widespread uses of bumper stickers is thought to have been the See Rock City stickers that many people had on their cars in the 1940s. This was a clever marketing campaign for a major tourist attraction on the top of Lookout Mountain in Tennessee. Back then, people who went to Lookout Mountain had the sticker put on their car by staff who worked at the attraction. The stickers resembled other marketing campaign efforts by Lookout Mountain. Some people had the same design painted on the roof of their barn all over the southeast. These Rock City bumper stickers were really very light cardboard that was screen printed. They were attached by aluminum strips that just wrapped around the bumper.

Since that time, the use of bumper stickers in the U.S. and around the world has exploded. Many people today put the bumper sticker in the bottom of their rear window. This is because it can be difficult to get a bumper sticker off of the bumper. A related cousin of the bumper sticker is the magnetic ‘sticker’, which adheres to the back of a car or bumper by magnet. This has become popular because it is simple to take off, unlike a regular bumper sticker.

Where to Go For Your Bumper Sticker Needs

If you need to have some very high quality bumper stickers printed, you should go to Maverick Label. You can have bumper stickers printed from quantities as low as 125, all the way up to 100,000. Maverick Label is one of the most popular sites online today to get bumper stickers printed. This is because their prices are highly competitive, and your stickers can usually be completed in 1-2 days. Also, their bumper stickers will not leave behind adhesive when you remove them.

Also, their bumper stickers are printed on highly durable vinyl – not paper. This is very important because it means that your bumper stickers will be much more durable. They will maintain an attractive appearance much longer than paper bumper stickers.

Author, Lawrence Reaves, writes for Maverick Label where you can get bumper stickers. Check out this site for more information on bumper stickers.

Author, Lawrence Reaves, writes for where you can order bumper stickers. Check out for more information on bumper stickers.

Author Bio: Author, Lawrence Reaves, writes for Maverick Label where you can get bumper stickers. Check out this site for more information on bumper stickers.

Category: Business
Keywords: Business, bumper stickers, bumper sticker, marketing

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