The Power of Outdoor Advertising
Outdoor Billboard Advertising works for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. It reaches out to millions of motorist across America selling service and products for thousands of products and businesses every day. Many of us rely on outdoor advertising to find services and places of business along America’s highways.
The outdoor adverting business in America is over 100 years old and since it’s early beginning it has increased in advertising sales and revenue ever since. It has been the center of focus by marketers ever since they discovered its effectiveness with passing motorist on the highways and byways of America, As the years past the advertisers became more and more creative and motorist began to rely more on the roadside billboard to tell them where to go and what to buy.
I painted and built highway billboards from the early 60’s to the late 80’s across America I got to see first had how effective outdoor advertising is. One of the companies I work for became a national chain it name was Stuckey’s. I have seen on many different occasions when one of their exit billboards or a primary billboard go down from a storm, the inside store sales would drop several hundred dollars even thousands of dollars a day immediately.
If the billboards was not painted regularly and maintained sales would slowly drop to nothing. When the billboards were freshly painted sales would immediately pop up!
My company was treated like the US Calvary when we came in to save the day.
Can you imagine if painted billboard would increase sales that much… How much would a bright digital billboard have done?
Have no doubt billboards are a very powerful media. The Digital billboards are todays answer to advertisers everywhere. One digital can replace 6 to 8 conventional billboards on one location. An advertiser no longer has to settle for one static ad he can have many different ads all in the same day. McDonald’s can advertise every product on the menu if they wish. Ford can sell every model of car or truck on the lot. Digital billboards are not just for large companies they allow small businesses to advertise as well. Mom and Dad’s restaurant down the road can now afford outdoor advertising.
I once told a billboard buyer I wanted to be able to sell advertising to everyone in the neighborhood including the guy under the bridge” I pointed to guy holding an “I Will Work for Food” sign. Well I didn’t sell the guy under the bridge but I did sell the billboard to the guy I was talking to, he got the point.
Today 46 plus years after I began, I still own a company that consults, builds, sells and buys billboard across America. From the bright lights of Times Square in New York City to bright light of Hollywood in Los Angeles, California. I spend a lot of time consulting and telling others how to build their own “Digital Cash Flow Machines” that is the nicknamed I gave my own line of digitals billboards.
The point is billboards this is a very lucrative business and a win, win for everyone from the property owner to the billboard owner and the advertiser. You don’t have to be a large company to get in on a very lucrative business capable of producing a 100% return on investment in 1 to 3 years. To do that you do have to know what you are doing. I would suggest you hire a professional \”Billboard Consultant\” first you’re going to need more than a text book to make this one happen.
Billboard,Billboards,Billboard Sales,Billboard Investing,Billboard Consulting,Cash for Billboard Property Leases,Cash For Billboards, LED billboard Sales,Billboard Rentals,Billboard Construction,We Buy Billboards,We pay Cash For Billboards,Outdoor Advertising,LED Billboard Sales
Think and Grow Rich! Build your own Billboard Cash Machines! I will show you how to become part of the International advertising community’s multibillion dollar advertising industry! Contact me Tom Gunter today at:
Category: Advice
Keywords: billboard for sale, Billboard Property Leasing, Billboard, Billboard 101, Billboard Investing,