Top 10 Life Insurance Myths

Purchasing life insurance requires serious planning. This is because there are many types, and not all of them are applicable to everyone. Consumers should carefully understand these products before buying one. There are also some misconceptions that consumers should be aware of.

1. There is no need for singles to purchase.

Life insurance is not only for married people or those who have dependents. Single people can have it too. This will provide their families with financial security when they pass away. The coverage will help them handle their medical bills when they get sick. When they die, their families will not have to worry about the funeral expenses. Some policies include an investment component. Singles who opt for these policies may use their funds to pay personal debts. Those who do not have living relatives may choose institutions as their beneficiaries. With this, they will die leaving a legacy.

2. Employer coverage is enough.

Employed individuals may be covered by their employers. However, companies usually offer workers very basic coverage. They usually only meet the required minimums that employers should pay. This coverage may not be enough for dependent financial security when the insured employee dies. It is always best that employees purchase additional policies for their families. Moreover, employer-provided coverage often ends when a person changes jobs.

3. Investing is better.

Investing is definitely good. However, investments may go to waste if the investor suddenly dies. With this, investments are best paired with life insurance. This will provide beneficiaries with real assets.

4. Only for the employed.

This is a common belief among individuals who do not work. This is definitely not true. Life insurance is necessary for everyone. Mothers who stay at home and take care of their children often think that they do not need to be covered. In fact, it is more expensive to hire people to take care of children in the absence of parents than pay for the monthly premiums. This is a good reason for stay-at-home parents to purchase.

5. Overpriced.

Life insurance rates vary with every company. This is why consumers are actually encouraged to shop around before they buy coverage to ensure that they can take advantage of affordable rates. They can opt for minimal coverage that comes with lower premiums. Although the coverage levels are not high, it is better than none at all. Some rates look very expensive in figures. However, these policies are often reasonable if consumers take time to compare the prices and coverage.

6. Younger people do not need insurance.

The majority of younger people think that life insurance is not necessary. This is not true. Actually, getting life insurance at a young age is cheaper than when they get older.

7. Insurers don’t really pay.

This is an old myth that is still popular. Many people believe that insurance companies will do the best they can so that beneficiaries do not get anything when the policy holder dies. The truth is that the future of the claims lies with the insured. When they purchase the coverage, they should ensure that they provide exact and honest information. Insurers have strong grounds for revoking death benefits when they find discrepancies.

8. Purchasing is time consuming.

This is no longer true in the digital age. Many insurance companies provide their services over the internet for the convenience of customers. Both big and small insurance companies offer online service. With this, consumers can get the best prices by simply surfing the Internet.

9. Mortgage life insurance is enough.

Mortgage life insurance is designed to pay for mortgage debts when the insured dies before they are completely paid. This type of insurance does not cover other debts. Consumers will still need to purchase insurance that can help their families pay for their funeral. There are life insurance policies that actually cover everything from unpaid loans, loss of income and even credit cards.

10. Premiums for ex-smokers are not any different than smoker rates.

Many insurance companies have decided to create new rules regarding consumers who have quit smoking. They should be smoke-free for one full year to enjoy rates that are very close to non-smoker premiums.

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Living in Hamilton and in need of Hamilton Life Insurance Rates?. Look no further! Visit Kanetix Ltd to receive a quote today.

Author Bio: Living in Hamilton and in need of Hamilton Life Insurance Rates?. Look no further! Visit Kanetix Ltd to receive a quote today.

Category: Finances
Keywords: life insurance myths, life insurance facts. life insurance

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