What is Labiaplasty? Know the Essential Information
One of the delicate cosmetic procedures that most women ask for is labiaplasty. The purpose of this procedure is to improve the structure of the labia or what is commonly known as the “vaginal lips”. The process involves some reduction or reshaping also to promote comfort. The labia have two parts, this are the labia minora, or the small inner lips of the vagina and labia majora, the outer and larger portion which is comprised with more fats. As a woman age and her body changes, there is chance that these structures sag creating significant discomfort. Other causes to labial hypertrophy can include genetic predisposition, mechanical factors (e.g. coitus), childbirth, masturbation, chronic dermatitis, certain conditions or diseases, urinary incontinence, hormone injections and even lymphatic congestion.
Women who experience this complain that not only does it affect them by creating discomfort when wearing tight fitting clothes, or when simply doing daily activities, but it also puts a strain on their sexual life.
They find this embarrassing and stressful because it can also be painful when doing intercourse. Some more rather awkward experiences include toilet papers getting caught in the labia, or having it painfully caught when zipping up the pants. For the active ladies, this can also be very disturbing as it causes pain in the pubic region. That is why these women want to find a solution to feel attractive once again, do activities without restrain, and to enhance their sexual experience.
Aside from the physical and sexual discomfort that enlarged labia create, it can also take a toll on a person’s self-esteem. Usually this can result to a body dysmorphic disorder, as the woman feels helpless and unhappy with her sexuality.
But when planning to get the surgery, the woman also has to consider some factors because unfortunately not everyone experiencing this problem can get labiaplasty. She needs to pass first as an appropriate candidate for the procedure.
To be a good candidate for the procedure, the woman must have realistic expectations from the procedure. She must also be free from any gynecological disease or malignancies, and she should not be smoking at least four weeks before surgery.
The surgery will usually take a total of an hour or two, usually under local anesthesia. The process generally includes the resection or cutting of the excess labial skin. Then this will be followed by suturing to create a tighter labial fold.
There are also several techniques that a surgeon can use to improve not only the labia but also other nearby structures such as the clitoral hood for instance. Other approaches used include edge resection to remove the excess tissues on the edge of the labia, central wedge resection, labiaplasty along with clitoral unhooding and even laser labiaplasty. These varied techniques can answer for the different structural changes needed for particular cases.
Mild swelling and discomfort can be experienced by the woman right after surgery, and this usually takes 1-2 weeks. Within that span of time, the incisions would have healed and will be less noticeable. The dissolvable sutures will usually dissolve within 7-10 or 7-21 days depending on the type and location where it is placed. The woman can resume work or normal daily activities within 3-5 days.
The usual labiaplasty cost in Australia is around $4000 plus and this would be on top of other fees such as theatre or anesthetic fee.
The result of labioplasty will be remarkable and those who have had it done claim that it has given them better comfort and confidence.
For natural-looking labiaplasty result in Sydney, Brisbane and Canberra, you can come to EsteemStudio.com.au. With their highly skilled and experienced cosmetic surgeons, patients are guaranteed with quality service and high satisfaction. Please feel free also to add +Rena Sharma in your google plus circle to receive latest news and updates.
For natural-looking labiaplasty result in Sydney, Brisbane and Canberra, (http://www.ESTEEMstudio.com.au/t16labiaplasty.php) you can come to Esteem Cosmetic Studio. With their highly skilled and experienced cosmetic surgeons, the clinic can assure you a quality service and satisfaction.
Author Bio: For natural-looking labiaplasty result in Sydney, Brisbane and Canberra, you can come to EsteemStudio.com.au. With their highly skilled and experienced cosmetic surgeons, patients are guaranteed with quality service and high satisfaction. Please feel free also to add +Rena Sharma in your google plus circle to receive latest news and updates.
Category: Womens Interest
Keywords: labiaplasty,labia minora surgery,vaginioplasty,cosmetic vaginal surgery