What Loan Officers Look For When You Apply For Bad Credit Auto Loan

When you are going to apply for an auto loan on a bad credit, you should be aware of the fact that you will be scrutinized and evaluated on number of basis. For the lending transaction to be effective and healthy one, a lender will be using the 4Cs to help him make a better choice in this regard. These four Cs are something that any applicant should be prepared for especially when they are going for bad credit auto loan. The 4 Cs are

1. Capital

2. Capacity

3. Character

4. Collateral.


The foremost is the capital. This relates to the potency of the customer to pay off his debts. When you are in bad credit situation you must realize this is imperative to negate. The reason is that the banker or lender will be influenced by your previous experience with other banks to judge whether to give you a car loan or not. The lender will go through your financing to determine how reliable you are. They will be assessing your financial holdings like the how much money you currently possess, how many bonds, certificates of deposits or another form of capital you have. They will also be assessing your credit reports and meticulously follow your payments that you have made and how consistent you were in them. The reason is very clear; they want to know whether with your credit rating in negative you can come forward with the payments for the bad credit auto loan or not.


This C relates to the pressure the client will be able to take with his bad credit rating. They will already know that you have been careless with your previous payments to other or the same banks. They will also know the amount of debt you are already in. This poses a serious threat to your chances for getting a bad credit auto loan. This helps the bank in understanding how much you will save when you have fulfilled your other financial obligations. They will also be looking for your sources of income. Try to analyze your credit reports by getting them from the three bureaus sanctioned by the government to give you your free credit reports. You are allowed to dispute the credit reports if you find any irregularities. This will help you to increase your chances of getting the auto loan with bad credit.


As the name suggests this relates to the personality and your tendency for paybacks for the car loans. The bank will be creating your profile with your credit rating and previous engagements you had with loans. Try to get your loans consolidated and then apply for the bad credit auto loans. Also try to get applications to as many banks in as less time as possible. The reason is that a multiple rejections decrease your character points. Whereas multiple failed attempts in a single month are considered to be a single rejection.


This is the most important C as this is the security you will be arranging as collateral to your loan. With bad credit rating it is a fact that most of your valuable possessions are already held as security. For getting bad credit auto loan try to get a cosigner as this will help the bank to have a sound security for the loan they will give to you.

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Author Bio: Get Approved for a bad credit auto loan fast and get your credit rating . Providing Canadians with the lowest rates and best paybacks options.

Category: Finances
Keywords: bad credit auto loan

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