Evolution and the Independent Race Theory

To oppose the theory of evolution is akin to defying the very foundation of modern science. The Darwinist theory of evolution is so ingrained in the cultures of industrialized nations that those of us who suggest a radically different theory are labeled insane. I would propose that we know very little about our world and the universe at this stage in our spiritual development. Major theories are disproven quite often to the surprise and dismay of their supporters. Thousands of Christian fundamentalists across the globe have taken a stand against Darwinism by choosing instead the creationist story of Adam and Eve. They take this story to be a fact. There are other theories concerning the birth of civilization. Allow me to dispute the theory of evolution and offer an alternative theory.

First, I can’t help but point out the most obvious flaw in the theory of evolution. That being the missing link factor. To my knowledge, a connection between the caveman and modern man has never been satisfactorily established. At least not to the point that scientists can prove the theory a fact. There is a lot of controversy surrounding the “missing link.” No one seems to agree as to what qualifies as a missing link. In other words there are no established criteria for this alleged human anomaly. Researchers have yet define the missing link and finally prove the evolutionary process. I can confidently exclaim that humans have always been human and never ape. Not only that, but modern human has no connection to the caveman.

Who then are the cavemen of prehistoric times? And what happened to them? My personal theory is that the miscellaneous remnants of prehistoric man found across the globe in the past few centuries were among the many races of man that have come and gone. We understand that the universe is infinite according to the steady state theory (or infinite universe theory as it is also known). If you apply this theory to man’s appearance on Earth, it means that civilizations have risen and fallen from this planet and even before it was formed. Each race is distinct with its own culture and technology. Atlantis and Lemuria are examples of such civilizations. Each race reaches its zenith and has its decline until it is no more. We have no knowledge of the many civilizations that have come before us. All of these races are separate from our own. They were all experiments that either failed or were put to rest. Visit the metaphysical section of your local bookstore for more information on this.

The point is, prehistoric man is not related to modern man. Rather these hominnids have their own special place in the history of the planet. They lived at a very different time. Their world was full of unusual and fearsome creatures that no longer walk the Earth. Their world was destroyed as surely as ours will be. Dinosaurs and cavemen were wiped clean from the planet to make room for the race that followed it. Why we can find traces of the caveman and not Atlantis is a good question. In trying to defend the existence of Atlantis, we are at a disadvantage. The evolutionists can make a stronger argument for their theory, than I can with the independent race theory. However, the truth is not always as it seems. We know very little about the architecture of the universe and the mechanics of this world. Some things have been hidden from us so that we may go about our business in blissful ignorance.

David Almeida is a long-time metaphysicist. He has studied Rosicrucian philosophy and esoteric knowledge for several decades. David has earned the title of certified hypnotist and Reiki healer. He is also the author of Illusion of the Body: Introducing the Body Alive Principle – http://www.bodyaliveprinciple.com – We are not dust in the wind. We are the wind.
We are all meant to achieve greatness

David Almeida is a long-time metaphysicist. He has studied Rosicrucian philosophy and esoteric knowledge for several decades. David has earned the title of certified hypnotist and Reiki healer. He is also the author of Illusion of the Body: Introducing the Body Alive Principle – http://www.bodyaliveprinciple.com – We are not dust in the wind. We are the wind.
We are all meant to achieve greatness

Author Bio: David Almeida is a long-time metaphysicist. He has studied Rosicrucian philosophy and esoteric knowledge for several decades. David has earned the title of certified hypnotist and Reiki healer. He is also the author of Illusion of the Body: Introducing the Body Alive Principle – http://www.bodyaliveprinciple.com – We are not dust in the wind. We are the wind.
We are all meant to achieve greatness

Category: Religion

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