Exploring Your Options For 21st Century Healthcare Careers

Many people who think about healthcare as a career choice think about the usual professions: physician, nurse, dentist. These are, of course, extraordinarily important jobs and if you feel like your scientific aptitude and work ethic can handle the many years of intensive training required to enter these professions, go for it. But there might be another pathway for you to consider. There are a number of healthcare-related professions that are just as important to consumers as the Big Three, but might not spring to mind immediately as you think about careers in healthcare.

These are well-paid positions, for the most part, and all will be in demand over the next decade-plus. In order to find out more information about healthcare professionals – salaries, growth projections, educational requirements, etc. – visit the website for the American Medical Association. There, you will find a comprehensive healthcare careers directly that gives the history and other information on a wide variety of medical professions. You will also find guidance for applying to medical school or becoming an advocate for good health.

Physician assistant

This fast-growing profession has its origins in the Vietnam War. When medical corpsmen returned from that war in the 1960s and early 1970s, they sought jobs that allowed them to use the skills they learned in the military. While a physician assistant is not required to undergo the same level of training as a licensed medical doctor, he or she must become certified to help a doctor with every aspect of a practice. This includes clinical decisions, diagnostic services, therapeutic services, treatment, and health maintenance services.

Occupational therapist

Another fast-growing, relatively new profession, occupational therapy involves the therapeutic use of occupations such as everyday life activities to promote health and wellness. The goal of an occupational therapist is to help a patient improve aspects of his or her physical health, cognitive ability, psychosocial capabilities, and sensory perception. This is accomplished by integrating habits, routines, rituals and behavior patterns into a treatment plan.

Radiation therapist

Radiation therapy projects a growth rate far greater than the average healthcare profession through 2020, and its pay scale is improving. A radiation therapist delivers doses of radiation for patients suffering from diseases and conditions such as certain forms of cancer. The typical program of education required to become a radiation therapist lasts two years, after which licensure and board certification are required.

Dental hygienist

While the salary projections range widely for dental hygienists (between $46,000 and $95,000, depending on location and experience), the incredible projected growth rate of this profession means that there will almost always be work available for those who choose this path. A hygienist works as a member of a larger dental care team, using clinical skills to screen for oral health problems, to take medical images, to apply sealants and fluoride, to teach appropriate dental hygiene habits, and much more.


A Doctor of Pharmacy degree typically requires six years of specialized training, including four academic years of professional study. It is a relatively well-paid job, with salaries in the range of $85,000 and up, depending on location and experience. The profession is also expected to grow considerably through the year 2018, with the potential for accelerated growth beyond that.

A pharmacist often works in a drugstore, mixing and disseminating medicine to patients who receive prescriptions from their physicians. A pharmacist must have a deep understanding of the use, clinical effects, and composition to drugs. A pharmacist also must maintain a friendly, helpful demeanor and be prepared to answer any questions a patient might have about the use and effectiveness of prescribed drugs.

John Soland/Peg Smith is an experienced writer who has written for a number of notable publications. As a lifestyle expert, Mr. Soland/Ms. Smith is able to offer advice and insight on a multitude of topics, including those pertaining to healthcare careers.

Peg Smith is an experienced writer who has written for a number of notable publications. As a lifestyle expert, Ms. Smith is able to offer advice and insight on a multitude of topics, including those pertaining to healthcare careers. http://careers-lsi.icims.com/jobs/intro?hashed=0

Author Bio: John Soland/Peg Smith is an experienced writer who has written for a number of notable publications. As a lifestyle expert, Mr. Soland/Ms. Smith is able to offer advice and insight on a multitude of topics, including those pertaining to healthcare careers.

Category: Career
Keywords: Healthcare careers

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