First Steps to Free Yourself From Recurrent Asthma Attacks

Having asthma attacks can be a burden for any person, since it is a chronic disease with no specific cure. If you want to avoid most asthma episodes that occur when you least expect it, traditional asthma treatments such as medicine and inhalers are not the only things you have to take care of. There are many more elements, even in your day-to-day environment that can and must be avoided in order to improve your resistance and also reduce the number of episodes.

First of all, there are many factors that can provoke these shortness of breath attacks even in your own home. Dust mites are one of these factors. They can be found in bedding sheets, pillows, toys, pretty much everything that has fabric, garments or is covered in fabric. You cannot remove these creatures completely, but you can reduce their number, by washing the sheets once a week, vacuum very often, in order to remove any dust deposits on any kind of surface, wash and dry floors and toys completely. It will improve the air quality and your entire life-style, even for other family members who don’t suffer from asthma.

Pollen is another cause of asthma attacks. Your exposure to such elements can be limited by decreasing your activity outdoors in summer mornings, when the air is warm and dry. Air conditioning is of great help in such cases, as it keeps the air in all rooms properly ventilated.

People who suffer from asthma should also be careful when exercising, as the prolongued effort can induce such an attack. 15 minutes or half an hour before starting some medication prescribed by the doctor should be taken(such as a bronchodilator or other kind of inhalers) in order to avoid such incidents. The coach or trainer should be informed if any of the people he/she coordinates have asthma. As usual, proper hydration can only do good. The body, and in this case the lungs can function at full capacity if they have enough water to fuel the effort of the muscles.

Extremely cold days can induce wheezing and shortness of breath. A scarf that covers the mouth and the nose can diminish the effects of the cold; however, it is indicated that you avoid going outdoors when the temperatuers are extremely low. Windy weather can also carry allergens and trigger an asthma attack, so take your medicine and avoid extreme climate changes. These are the first steps to free yourself from asthma attacks, and treating your respiratory system with things other than medicine. There is no known permanent cure, but thanks to modern science asthma attacks are no longer fatal. Nevertheless, complications can appear if you do not take properly care of yourself and be careful at the environments you step into. Anyone with asthma can lead a normal life if they weigh everything with a bit more precaution than the rest. Medication is available on both short and long term, as well as for attacks that are worsened by different types of allergies.

If you are looking for information on asthma relieve, just click on the link. Or you can visit for more information!

If you are looking for information on asthma relieve, just click on the link. Or you can visit for more information!

Author Bio: If you are looking for information on asthma relieve, just click on the link. Or you can visit for more information!

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: asthma relieve

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