How Can Physiotherapist Help in Post Injury or Surgery in Singapore?

Physiotherapists are trained as part of healthcare medical specialist to help patients restore his/her activity, strength and movement following a pain condition, injury or surgery. Physiotherapist works closely with medical doctors and orthopaedic surgeons to ensure patients goals are achieved in the best shortest recovery period.

Physiotherapy plays a very important role in post injury and postoperative rehabilitation. Often, after an injury or operation, patients are presented with pain, limited joint movement, muscle tightness, muscle weakness, walking gait dysfunction, or limited daily activity or inability to perform at work, home or sports.

Physiotherapists are good in patience and understanding to be able to know what the patient is going through. Patient may be suffering in pain, anxiety, frustration or depression when they are not able to function as normal during this period of rehabilitation. Despite all these difficulties that patients are facing, therapist have to set targeted goals with specific timing and plans to get patients return back to their normal daily activities in the shortest possible time and maximise their performance.

Before starting physiotherapy rehabilitation, physiotherapists will find out from the medical doctor or surgeon what is recommended for patient post surgery or post injury. Physiotherapist will assess each patient’s condition and implement with treatments suitable for individual patient. For example, patient with inflammatory problems such as pain and swelling, limited movement; the therapists may utilize treatment modalities such as ultrasound, shortwave therapy, heat therapy , cryotherapy ( cold therapy) and electrotherapy (TENS, microcurrent, interferential currents) . These pain relieving therapy can also help with accelerating healing rate as well as decrease pain levels.

Also, besides pain relieving, regaining joint and muscle mobility is one of the key focuses in physiotherapy approach in managing patients’ condition. Therapy such as manual therapy, soft tissue mobilisations and joints mobilization will help to decrease muscle spasms and stiffness, eventually improving joint range of movement. Clinical massage therapy is also a popular therapy to loosen targeted tightened and shortened muscles, inducing a state of calm and relaxation for the injured surrounding muscles.

Often, physiotherapist may pair their patients’ sessions with relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises, visualization on top of their specific exercise prescription help increases patients’ bodies\’ production of natural painkillers, as well as provides a general sense of positive well-being and feeling to fast recovery.

After achieving reduction in pain and regain of movement range, physiotherapists will educate on active exercises rehabilitation to maximize patients’ muscle strength, mobility, balance, stability, proprioception and agility. The intensity and frequency of the exercise therapy program will be adjusted on and on-going process to suit the patients’ progressive level of activity. One of the most important part of rehabilitation for the spine especially people with back pain, injury or surgery, is the emphasis on core strengthening and stability with clinical pilates. The core of your body is like the foundation of your house. Bodies with a weak core and postural muscles are susceptible to recurrent injury and chronic or persistent pain syndromes.

Physiotherapy also place emphasis on patient education of body biomechanics and self-management to prevent any possible problems in the future. The time frame to full recovery is dependent on many factors such as patient’s condition, severity, patient’s age, motivation, perception to rehabilitation program. Estimated post injury or operation rehabilitation typically may takes up to 6 months or a year.

A well trained and good physiotherapist in Singapore will do whatever it takes to push patients to optimise their fullest recovery potential in the fastest time. However, it will take two hands to clap together with full cooperation of the patients.

Visit Physiotherapist in Singapore Physioclinic

Michelle Kwong Physiotherapist Physioclinic Http://

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Visit Physiotherapist in Singapore Physioclinic

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: post surgery, injury, operation, rehabilitation physiotherapy singapore, physical therapy

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