Minimally Invasive Surgery as an Alternative to Open Back or Neck Surgery

Perhaps you have heard about minimally invasive spine surgery as an alternative to open spine surgery before, but weren’t quite sure what it is or what it entails. True, minimally invasive surgery is an alternative to open surgery, and is becoming more and more prevalent. However, the sudden surge of this type of surgery is not because it is a type of surgery recently discovered and suddenly utilized. In fact, minimally invasive spine surgeries have been performed for decades now, and the practice is well beyond anything that could be considered exploratory or experimental. If you’ve thought seriously about minimally invasive surgery, you probably want to learn as much about it as possible, and the following seeks to do just that for you.

A Few Minor Distinctions

Open spine surgery and minimally invasive spine surgery differ in many ways, some of which are discussed in greater detail below. In a general sense, minimally invasive surgeries can be completed on an outpatient basis, meaning that no overnight hospital stay is required; open surgeries typically require at least one night’s stay in a hospital or medical center. Furthermore, open spine surgeries tend to require general anesthesia to completely sedate patients throughout the course of the operation; minimally invasive spine surgeries typically use only local anesthesia and IVs to sedate patients.

The Differing Methods of Surgery

Traditionally, open surgery involves a larger incision than does minimally invasive surgery. After a large incision is cut into the back, neck, or abdomen, the surgeon will expose the section of the spine in order for the spinal abnormality to be visible by the naked eye. Then, a series of surgical tools are utilized to complete the operation before stitching up the large incision. Minimally invasive surgery requires an incision no larger than an inch in diameter. The procedure is guided by an endoscope, a small laser, and other small surgical tools that all fit into the spinal anatomy without increasing the size of the initial incision.

Is There Any Difference in the Cost?

The cost of surgery is something that varies significantly, and spine surgery is no different. There isn’t a significant disparity between the average prices for minimally invasive surgery and open spine surgery, but the more intensive of a procedure you require can be reflected in the price you’ll have to pay. The amount you pay for a spine procedure can certainly be a determining factor in determining not only the type of surgery you pursue, but also whom you choose to perform the surgery for you. Start by looking in your insurance network to see if your procedure can be covered. However, it should be noted that most spine surgeries are elective procedures, and are often not covered on standard insurance plans.

What is the Recovery Period Like?

The recovery from minimally invasive surgery is almost always shorter than that of open back surgery. Open spine procedures are notorious for recovery periods lasting several months to even a year. Minimally invasive surgeries, on the other hand, have recovery periods that range from anywhere from a few weeks to a few months in length. Depending on the severity of your condition and the procedure you have performed, whether open or minimally invasive, you may require physical or occupational therapy during the rehabilitative and recuperation process. All in all, your recovery period is what you choose to make of it. The more you choose to resist what you are instructed to do, the more arduous and lengthy this time of recovery will most likely be.

Taylor Thomas is an experienced writer who has written for a number of notable publications. As a lifestyle expert, Ms. Thomas is able to offer advice and insight on a multitude of topics, including those pertaining to spine surgeries.

Taylor Thomas is an experienced writer who has written for a number of notable publications. As a lifestyle expert, Ms. Thomas is able to offer advice and insight on a multitude of topics, including those pertaining to spine surgeries.

Author Bio: Taylor Thomas is an experienced writer who has written for a number of notable publications. As a lifestyle expert, Ms. Thomas is able to offer advice and insight on a multitude of topics, including those pertaining to spine surgeries.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: Minimally Invasive Surgery, Spine Surgery

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