Cargo & Freight Flights From Kenya to Somalia & South Sudan

Cargo flights have been on high demand from Jomo Kenyatta airport, Nairobi, Kenya to Somalia and South Sudan. Airlines have ensured they have segmented the cargo & freight flights into five categories, cash on transit, parcels, dangerous goods and normal goods. The flights are segmented into three categories consolidated cargo & freight flights, scheduled cargo & freight flights and private cargo & freight flights.

Consolidated flights are only provided to South Sudan to Juba and Rumbek airports respectively due to the high demand and requests that airlines receive from the organizations and businessmen/women transporting goods from Nairobi to Juba,Rumbek ,Yei,Malakal,Bentiu,Akobo and many other destinations hence enabling air charter companies to put a consolidated flight. There are 2 flights operated weekly on Wednesday and Saturday from Jomo Kenyatta airport, Nairobi to Juba in South Sudan. Consolidation means we will collect cargo from individuals and organizations so that we can fill an aircraft of 10 to 15 tones to be able to operate. Organizations with 6 tones and above can request for private cargo & freight flights out of the two days for consolidated flights. Also Dangerous Goods will not be allowed on consolidated and scheduled flights as we have passenger baggage, medicine, fresh produce which we can not mix with. The cargo or freight is charged on per kilo basis including or excluding ground handling, customs documentation which the operator will agree with the client on how to proceed and prices per kilo will differ as it will depend on the volume of cargo and freight airlifted in a month.Cash on transit will need to be accompanied by a security firm as we will not accept cash or sensitive documents on the flight. If we receive more cargo & freight we will introduce more flights.

Scheduled cargo & freight flights operate from Jomo Kenyatta airport daily to Juba four flights daily to Juba. Organizations or individuals with cargo are advised to make reservations at least 4 days in advance and it will be subject to availability of space or passenger baggage. Flights to Juba are operated by different airlines and the airfares and freight charges differ and depend with the airlines pricing strategy. There are flights from Nairobi to Mogadishu on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday. On Wednesday the flights Departs from Jomo Kenyatta to Mogadishu International, Berbera (Hargesia) to Djibouti then Jeddah. We have space of about 2,000 kilograms on the Wednesday flight and same on the other flights and please note Dangerous Goods will not be allowed only normal cargo, food, hardware, stationery, medicine and any other cargo that is not dangerous. The flights depart at 7am on both days and check in time one hour before departure time and cargo allowed 20 kilos per person. Most of the cargo & freight from Jomo Kenyatta to Juba airport then the cargo is put on internal scheduled flights to Rumbek, Malakal, Bentiu, Yei, Akon, Aweil and where they are no commercial flights, private cargo & freight flights are available at Juba airport. Special prices are available for organizations that sign a contract and commits to provide a certain amount of cargo in a month.

Private cargo & freight flights can be hired from Jomo Kenyatta airport, Wilson Airport, Moi international airport Mombasa, Lokichogio, Eldoret International airport and Kisumu airports. Building, civil engineers, electrical engineers, drilling companies and road contractors who wants to transport their equipments and personnel can hire the freighter and even transporting vehicles or caterpillars and generators to Somalia or South Sudan. The fleet for cargo includes DC-9 Freighter 10 to 13 tones,DC-8 Freighter 40 tones,B737-200 Freighter 15 tones,F-27-500 Freighter 5 tones,H-748 Freighter 5 tones, Let 410 1.5 tones which can be leased on dry or wet lease. The advantage of leasing is that organizations can form a consortium when operating in the same region as lease is based on minimum guaranteed hours in a month for a period of 3 month and above and when you hit the guaranteed hour the rate per hour drops. In wet lease you will be responsible for accommodation, meals, transport, fuel which you can hire an apartment and negotiate for the fuel prices and same being an international organization and based on the volume used in a month. For dry lease you will negotiate with the crew as you will be paying them, fuel, accommodation, meals and transport as the lessor will give you the aircraft ensure there is insurance, maintenance is done once the hour’s expiry or a certain check is required.Adhoc contract charter flights are available whereby an organization signs a contract and gives dates they will be operating in a month and if the flights is cancelled at least 72 before the date of operations no charges will be imposed opposed to lease whereby whether you fly or not the guaranteed hours have to be paid.

Anthony A Juma is the Editor and Director Commercial & Flights Operations at Wings Over Africa Aviation Limited. This is an Air Charter Company that specializes on Cargo & Freight From Kenya To Somalia & South Sudan. The website has guided thousands of travelers to achieve their dream holiday. For more information and guidance, visit the site at

Anthony A Juma is the Editor and Director Commercial & Flights Operations at Wings Over Africa Aviation Limited. This is an Air Charter Company that specializes on Cargo & Freight From Kenya To Somalia & South Sudan. The website has guided thousands of travelers to achieve their dream holiday. For more information and guidance, visit the site at

Author Bio: Anthony A Juma is the Editor and Director Commercial & Flights Operations at Wings Over Africa Aviation Limited. This is an Air Charter Company that specializes on Cargo & Freight From Kenya To Somalia & South Sudan. The website has guided thousands of travelers to achieve their dream holiday. For more information and guidance, visit the site at

Category: Travel
Keywords: cargo flights Kenya,cargo flights Kenya to South Sudan,cargo flights Kenya to Somalia,flights

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