The Future of Australian Economy in Jeopardy With Government Attacks on Small Businesses

Original article by Jamie McIntyre published in 21st Century News.

Local businesses should be given the opportunity to grow as small business is the engine room of an economy. Helping small to medium businesses expand and grow will help create more jobs and profits for local regions.

As an entrepreneur I recognise the significance of small businesses. Over the years I have been the founder of 12 businesses and own half a dozen farms in New England, Northern NSW where I grew up which has helped me develop a greater understanding of how important businesses are to communities.

A government that routinely attacks the business community and attacks Australia’s wealth creators is not productive or necessary.

They can hardly claim to represent Australian workers as to look after workers you must look after small to medium businesses that employ most workers.

The other problem in Australia is that only 16 per cent or 33 of the 226 Federal MP’s have any entrepreneurial or executive or management level experience.

This is something that needs to change.

Unfortunately, we have career politicians most of whom have never worked a day in their life in a real job or never started a business and created any jobs.

I have created over a dozen companies and employed hundreds and hundreds of Australians, plus as a leading educator inspired trained and helped tens of thousands of entrepreneurs create jobs.

Having a PhD in results is more valuable than those career politicians with a PhD in theory. Many of these politicians think they are above the average Australian with their elitism and political snobbery.

We need people who have produced results in their own lives and not have a political scenario with unionists on one side of politics and lawyers on the other. People with financial skill sets and entrepreneurial experience are the ones who should be managing the economy of the country.

The current economic situation that has a debt of $274 billion and rising is a matter of concern.

Despite going through one of the greatest commodities boom in our nation’s history; instead of having a large sovereign wealth fund akin to Norway and Dubai, we not only have no money in a fund but a $274 billion debt.

It is apparent that the unions and this Government aren’t looking at the interest of the Australian workers.

To truly represent Australian workers as mentioned you must be supportive of small to medium size businesses as they create jobs and if they achieve long-term profitability it leads to long term sustainable pay rises for workers.

I also don’t support our country’s welfare addiction.

It should not be about supporting hand-outs, it should be about hand-ups. Why destroy peoples’ lives through welfare when business start-up grants and up-skilling education is the key to creating thousands of new businesses and hundreds of thousands of new jobs and getting people off the addiction and soul destroying effects of welfare.

We live in a rich country that already has the money to have the best roads, best health services and the best education systems and the best infrastructure.

The only reason we don’t is due to the sheer wastage in all 3 levels of Government and bureaucracy where taxpayers’ money is routinely abused and wasted funding “fat cat managers “in the Government who produce little value.

The luck will run out for the lucky country and if we don’t get rid of (quoting Arnold Schwarzenegger) the ‘economic girlie men’, Australia will face an uncertain future that will see millions of Australian jobs outsourced overseas at a rapid rate and a rapid fall on living standards for many.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd was unable to manage our economy through the greatest commodities boom ever, racking up $274 billion in debt largely from sheer wastage and failed policy.

How will Rudd manage in the future especially with a risk of China imploding, especially since this Government has done everything to kill the golden goose i.e. the mining industry?

Australia is an over taxed, poorly financially run, mismanaged country however with massive potential.

It has been reported in the Australian and Financial Review recently that 96% of the windfall $190 billion the mining boom has added to Government coffers has been squandered.

This economic destruction of our wealth must end.

My vision is to move Australia into the 21st Century and I suggest we only elect those with a PhD in results because in a globally competitive world Australia will need to start producing much better results.

Are we just a quarry selling everything we have and spending like there is no tomorrow or are we going to become more than that and achieve our full potential?

That will require real change; real leadership and real results and it seems as if both major parties have not and will not deliver that change.

The time for change I believe is now.

If we don’t change, I would no longer bet on Australia remaining the great country it is.

Jamie McIntyre is the founder of the 21st Century Group of companies and CEO of 21st Century Education. He is also bestselling author, successful entrepreneur, investor, sought after success coach, internationally renowned speaker and world-leading educator.

Jamie McIntyre is the founder of the 21st Century Group of companies and CEO of 21st Century Education. He is also bestselling author, successful entrepreneur, investor, sought after success coach, internationally renowned speaker and world-leading educator.

Author Bio: Jamie McIntyre is the founder of the 21st Century Group of companies and CEO of 21st Century Education. He is also bestselling author, successful entrepreneur, investor, sought after success coach, internationally renowned speaker and world-leading educator.

Category: Politics
Keywords: australian economy,china,Dubai,Federal MP’s,new england,Northern NSW,Norway,Kevin Rudd

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