A Super Bowl Publicity Jackpot!

Recently I was going over some of the testimonial letters I’ve received over the years about my publicity system and my Million Dollar Publicity kit.

I came across a very exciting success story that can serve as a template for your publicity campaigns.

This dates back to the 2002 Super Bowl.

Member Dr. Brad LaGarce scored the publicity gold medal with one release he sent out.

Brad is a chiropractor and wanted to promote his practice using publicity. So he tied his profession in with a major event happening at the time – the Super Bowl.

In his press release, Brad talked about the results of stress, including conditions such as chronic fatigue, headaches, pain syndromes and ulcers to name a few. He talked about how important it was to find out how stress is affecting your life and health and how to control it.

So far a fairly routine story.

Now here’s the great twist.

Brad lives in St. Louis. If you follow football, you know St. Louis lost the Super Bowl. So Brad offered all St. Louis Rams fans a free “Super Bowl Stress Evaluation”.


Brad faxed out his press release, following my instructions. Here’s what he had to say in an email to me shortly after faxing his release:

“I thought you would enjoy a success story with your system. I am a St. Louis resident and I faxed this press release out last night after the game to all local media contacts and a few of the major media people. So far this morning I had an interview with Fox 2 news that will be on the air at 5 and 5:30 tonight.

Thanks, Dr. Brad ”

A nice story, but pretty typical of the success stories we hear in my office.

A few hours after Brad sent me that story, he sent me this follow up:

“Just thought I would drop you a line and tell you that David from Wireless Press just called. We had a short conversation while he was interviewing.

At the end of the conversation I asked him:

‘What happens from here?’

He told me he would write it up, send it to me and send the story to 800 media outlets WORLD WIDE. He asked where I got the contact info and I gave him your name. He said you were a very nice guy. Thanks Again.

This stuff is INCREDIBLE!

Regards, Brad LaGarce”

OK, folks, one press release to one contact and it goes out to 800 media outlets worldwide. Are you NOW completely convinced about the incredible power of publicity and knowing how to do it right?

Brad did everything right. He had an interesting story that he tied it to a major event. He knew how to get his press release out. He knew how to do interviews. Now he’ll reap the rewards.

If you have the back issues of my hard copy, paid newsletter, you’ll find Brad’s press release printed there exactly as he wrote it and sent it out. Use it as a template for your press releases, regardless of what business you’re in.

What events can you tie your story to? It doesn’t have to be a national event. It can be something very local. If that local event gets media coverage every year, why not hitch a ride on that automatic publicity and get your story mentioned at the same time?

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it over and over again – the media is very willing to make you as rich and famous as you’d like to be as long as you give them what they want, the way they want it.

Turn off the Simpsons, stop watching another rerun of How I Met Your Mother and start learning how to get all the free publicity that’s waiting for you.

Every day you wait is another day that opportunity passed you by.

Get the most reliable advice on how you can get massive publicity for your business at http://www.hartunian.com and http://www.101waystogetpublicity.com

Get the most reliable advice on how you can get massive publicity for your business at http://www.hartunian.com and http://www.101waystogetpublicity.com

Author Bio: Get the most reliable advice on how you can get massive publicity for your business at http://www.hartunian.com and http://www.101waystogetpublicity.com

Category: Business
Keywords: what is a press release, how to write a press release, how to release a press release, online pr,

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