Authors, Read This – If You Have Stomach For It

I may lose some author friends because of what I’m about to say about authors. But I’m going to tell you the straight truth, as I always do.

First, let me say that I am one of you. I’m an author too. Search Amazon and see how many books I have there. I’ll save you the time – there are 85.

Being one of you, I want the best for you and I want you to be on the right path. But you’re being taken advantage of. For the most part, it’s your fault.

Authors are prime targets for people who market a whole variety of products and services. Some of these products and services are worth far more than they cost. But many of them are just short of worthless. Some of these people actually prey on you. So why is this your fault? Because you’ve completely wrapped your ego around your book.

Some time ago I asked all of my newsletter subscribers what I can do to help them become more successful. Authors made up a large percentage of the people who responded. One of the most common comments I got from these authors went something like this:

“I have a story that must be told. If I could only get my book into the hands of people everywhere, it could make enormous changes in the world.”

I could tell that many of these authors think they are the next Stephen King.

They aren’t.

They think they have the next NY Times bestseller.

They don’t.

They think they have information that everyone needs and must have.

Not a chance.

It’s one thing to do everything possible to make your book a success. It’s a whole ‘nuther thing (I love that term) to wrap your ego around your book.

Your book is a marketing tool. It’s not your child, your baby or any other part of you.

Writing your book was not a labor of love, a trial by fire, or a brutal experience. If you think it was, you’re a Drama Queen, even if you’re a man.

Sure, you’re proud of your book. I’m proud of every one of my books. But I savored that feeling for a few minutes, then I got to work to make them successes.

Out of all the authors I heard from recently, only one impressed me – that being my consulting client Alan Davidson. Alan sent me one of the clearest, most concise, focused plans for making his book a success that I’ve seen in a long time.

Almost every other author sent me an impassioned plea to help “get the word out” about their masterpiece; the manuscript that will save the world, if only people will read it. If only a publisher will stop what he’s doing and dump tons of time and money into getting it into circulation.

Unscrupulous marketers know that your ego is tightly wound around your book. Because of that, you’re easy prey.

Everything I write in my articles has a publicity lesson. This diatribe is no different.

Many authors have difficulty when it comes to getting publicity. They shouldn’t have difficulty, but they do.

Many of you authors have been told that it’s difficult to get publicity for your novel, your book of poetry, your children’s book, your textbook, etc. You’ve been told that only non-fiction books get the big publicity.

Absolute nonsense. People who tell you that simply don’t know how to advise you to get publicity. I don’t care what type of book you’ve written, I can advise you on how to get publicity.

The problem comes when many authors write their press releases and do their interviews. To be down-in-the-street honest, many authors sound less than sane and focused when they try to get publicity. As I mentioned earlier, they feel their book will save the world, will revolutionize life as we know it, will make medical breakthroughs unknown to science. They come off as kooks at the least and total whack-jobs at the worst.

Actually, they are neither. They are overly-enthusiastic about their book. Their ego is tightly wrapped around the book. They don’t see their book in the proper light – as a very important marketing tool that represents them.

Every one of you authors, regardless of the type of book you’ve written, has loads of publicity opportunities. It’s your responsibility to make the most of those publicity opportunities and to represent yourself as a sane, well-spoken, informative authority on what you wrote.

Now those of you who aren’t authors are saying: “I’m not an author. What does this have to do with me?”.

All you have to do is change the word “author” to the word that represents your business and everything I just said pertains to you.

The best source for reliable information on how to get publicity for your business (regardless of what type of business you have) is Paul Hartunian’s website –

The best source for reliable information on how to get publicity for your business (regardless of what type of business you have) is Paul Hartunian’s website –

Author Bio: The best source for reliable information on how to get publicity for your business (regardless of what type of business you have) is Paul Hartunian’s website –

Category: Writing
Keywords: what is a press release, how to write a press release, how to release a press release, online pr,

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