Feedback About the Wrestling Women Commercial
Last time I told you about the beer company that ran the commercial showing two barely dressed, very attractive women wrestling in several locations, including the mud. At the end of the commercial, one of the women asks the other: \”Want to make out?\”.
I told you I thought it was a stroke of publicity genius. I also asked you not to send me crank email if that discussion offended you. No sooner did I send out that issue than I got an email from subscriber Karen Grass. I opened it, expecting to read a bunch of squawking about the mud-wrestling women.
But wait. The subject of Karen\’s email was \”wrestling babes\”. Babes? Hmmm. Maybe this isn\’t a crank email. Maybe Karen is pretty cool. It wasn\’t and she is. Karen was making a point about the commercial. In her words: \”Paul: I adore you and your emails, but I just had to email you about the wrestling babes. How in the world can you say this was a piece of genius publicity? The commercial may have flown around the world, but no one remembers the name of the beer company behind this fabulous ad. There are a lot of great commercials that generate a lot of
comment and interest, but the majority is so attention focused on the frivolity that you miss who paid for it. I (both) personally and professionally do not consider these elevate to the level of genius. Just my view. Your faithful newsletter viewer, Karen Grass\”
Good points, Karen. If that company had kept paying for all the additional exposure they got, I would agree with you. But I was talking about the publicity they got in return for their initial advertising outlay.
Yes, they did pay for the initial series of ads, that paid off BIG TIME. I can\’t even calculate the millions of dollars worth of free publicity that company got because of the ads.
I\’m not opposed to putting my money on the line if I know that my return will be 100, 1,000 or 10,000 times what I originally put up. And my bet is that lots of people remember that it was the Miller Brewing Company that pulled off that great stunt.
If you want to see the commercial, go to and type in “Miller Brewing Mud Wrestling Commercial” in the search box. It’ll be the first one that comes up. See, they just got more free publicity from me.
When companies keep paying for commercials that don\’t lock in their brand name and get little or no free publicity, that\’s a problem. For example, what\’s the name of the company that has that annoying pink rabbit constantly beating the drum?
But when a company makes that commercial pays for that first round of advertising and it results in a landslide of free publicity, that\’s a lot of bang for the buck.
Also, did you notice that throughout the commercial, the girls kept saying: \”Great taste, less filling\” which Miller has used to brand itself? That went a long way in locking the brand name into the minds of people watching the commercial.
Now Miller Brewing will be making posters, cardboard stand-ups, video clips, etc., etc. etc. locking their brand to that commercial even further.
Don\’t confuse paid advertising and free publicity. Miller Brewing squeezed the most out of every advertising dollar they spent. My guess is that they\’ll keep advertising and will also keep expanding every advertising dollar with lots of free publicity. Just my view Thanks for the great email, Karen.
The best source for reliable information on how to get publicity for your business (regardless of what type of business you have) is Paul Hartunian’s website –
The best source for reliable information on how to get publicity for your business (regardless of what type of business you have) is Paul Hartunian’s website –
Author Bio: The best source for reliable information on how to get publicity for your business (regardless of what type of business you have) is Paul Hartunian’s website –
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