Herniated Discs: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

When the spinal disc gets ruptured, the softer casing of the vertebrae juts out of the spinal cord, resulting in extreme pain in the nerves and numbness in the arms or legs.

Symptoms and Causes

The cause is generally age related because of degeneration of the disc or else due to lifting heavy objects on a daily basis. Herniated discs or slipped discs usually occur in the lower back region (lumbar spine) but can affect the cervical spine (neck) as well. The symptoms are experienced in the arm and leg areas where there is considerable pain in the calves, thighs and butt. If the pain resonates in the neck or the shoulders, triggers like a sneeze or cough can cause extreme discomfort and excruciating pain. In the case of a cervical spine related problem, the nerves react with tingling, numbness and soreness, thereby weakening the muscles and making movement quite impossible.

Examination and Tests

It is important to seek medical advice when the pain gets too acute in the neck, back, arm or leg or else when one experiences excessive weakness, numbness or the inability to stand or walk. Obese people are more prone to the illness as the lower back experiences pressure due to excessive weight. Occupational hazards such as those that involve lifting heavy weights repeatedly or twisting and turning while carrying heavy equipment can cause injury resulting in a slipped disk. In addition to this, if it is genetic, transference to the next generation can be a possibility.. During the medical visit, the doctor examines the back and neck regions, requesting a change in position as and when required. This is to analyze the reflexes, muscle strength and reactions to vibrations. Tests via a CT scan, x-ray and MRI determine the muscle damage; to test the nerves an electromyogram pinpoints the location and the extent of the nerve damage.


Once the patient is diagnosed with the illness, the treatment plan takes effect based on the severity of the pain and the condition. Pain relief medications like Ibuprofen or prescription narcotics, namely codeine or oxycontin, are prescribed for a limited period. The side effects include nausea, disorientation or constipation. If the illness is nerve related, prescription drugs that are milder in dosage are effective. If there are sudden muscle jolts or spasms, then relaxants are introduced. If none of these work, oral medication or even steroid injections are prescribed to ease the pain. In addition to all of the above, the general advice by a therapist to minimize the pain is to use either an ice pack or a heating device. Depending on the severity of the problem other physical therapeutic remedies would include traction, stimulation through electrodes and braces for the neck or the lower back area. Ultimately, if none of the methods work and the patient continues to experience pain along with acute weakness, an inability to walk or even stand coupled with acute bowel syndromes, surgery will be the obvious choice. The surgeon removes the protrusion in the spinal cord and fuses the vertebrae together with a metal piece of treated hardware to add health and wellness to the spine.

Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women\’s Center in March 1996 to provide a full range of health care for women.

Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women\’s Center in March 1996 to provide a full range of health care for women.

Author Bio: Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Orlando Women\’s Center in March 1996 to provide a full range of health care for women.

Category: Medicines and Remedies

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