Is the Senator a Corporate Man?
Recently I stood with millions of other clear mined Americans against HR 1599, the Dark Act. What this Bill will enact is to make it illegal for food or food products that are or contain Genetically Modified Foods (GMO) to be labeled as such within the borders of the United States Of America. These are the same products that are band in dozens of counties.
State will not have the right to supersede this law in any manner at the state level, and will go into effect ahead of the Vermont’s GMO labeling law in July 2016. The timing of HR 1599 was a reaction to not only the actions taken by Vermont, but that fact that 2 dozen additional states are considering such a law.
On October 29th 2015 I received a letter from Senator Tim Kaine’s office in response to my action of making it known to him that as my representative in Congress I except him to vote with the interests of the people. As you will see in the attached letter, the Senator instead voted with the interests of corporations at the expense of the health of Americans. That letter can be read at the URL in the author’s box below.
Before discussing what is fact and known about the dangers of GMO, let us consider for the moment that the Senator voted against the American citizen’s right to know because it would be unfair to the GMO corporations. Think about that for a moment… Who does the Senator work for anyway? Fair or unfair, the will of the people is supposed to come first in our republic, not the profits of corporations. Next the justifications given is that by labeling the GMO food and food product would give American’s the impression that there something unhealthy about GMOs. Once again, think about that for a moment… When something has say Flour listed as an ingredient, do we consider it dangerous? No of course not, we have the common sense Senator Kaine makes it clear that he feels Americans do not actually possess. The problem to the GMO industry is that Americans are increasingly becoming aware of the dangers of GMOs. The act of labeling of GMO foods and food products will likely have Americans making healthier choices for themselves and their families leaving these products on the shelf. Fair or unfair, that is what happens in a free market, the choice of the consumers is driving factor. For more information on GMOs, consider watching the movie GMOs OMG!
In the letter in is important to note that the Senator states that the FDA and WHO both claim that there are no dangers to the public from GMOs. Curious… Two important facts I have mentioned are important to consider. First is that GMOs are banned in dozens of countries, the next is that dozens of states right here in the US are also taking action to protect their citizens against these harmful food sources. Would so many different political entities take these actions based upon rumor or conjured up evidence? This is an important question to consider when you read that the FDA and WHO would have you believe that no evidence exists indicating that GMOs are dangerous, yet many sources of independent research everywhere prove the opposite is true.
So I ask you to decide. Is the Senator a Corporate man?
Dedicated to bringing awareness of the meaning of events that hold significant impact to the security to the lives of the common person, Bob Jones writes on subjects that are banned or misrepresented in main stream media. Bringing not a list of titles or literary honors, but instead common sense and reasoning to events under media blackout from the population as a whole. He also is the publisher of a website dedicated to home security. Explore other articles by clicking on the link or by visiting us at Details on HR 1599 can be found at: Vermont’s GMO labeling law can be found at: Nations Banning GMOs can be found at: More details on the dangers of GMOs can be found at the following links: Video about the dangers of GMOs: Documentary on what GMOS are: GMOs OMG! ( GMO facts Senator Kaine’s Letter
Dedicated to bringing awareness of the meaning of events that hold significant impact to the security to the lives of the common person, Bob Jones writes on subjects that are banned or misrepresented in main stream media. Bringing not a list of titles or literary honors, but instead common sense and reasoning to events under media blackout from the population as a whole. He also is the publisher of a website dedicated to home security. Explore other articles by clicking on the link or by visiting us at Details on HR 1599 can be found at: Vermont’s GMO labeling law can be found at: Nations Banning GMOs can be found at: More details on the dangers of GMOs can be found at the following links: Video about the dangers of GMOs: Documentary on what GMOS are: GMOs OMG! ( GMO facts Senator Kaine’s Letter
Author Bio: Dedicated to bringing awareness of the meaning of events that hold significant impact to the security to the lives of the common person, Bob Jones writes on subjects that are banned or misrepresented in main stream media. Bringing not a list of titles or literary honors, but instead common sense and reasoning to events under media blackout from the population as a whole. He also is the publisher of a website dedicated to home security. Explore other articles by clicking on the link or by visiting us at Details on HR 1599 can be found at: Vermont’s GMO labeling law can be found at: Nations Banning GMOs can be found at: More details on the dangers of GMOs can be found at the following links: Video about the dangers of GMOs: Documentary on what GMOS are: GMOs OMG! ( GMO facts Senator Kaine’s Letter
Category: Politics
Keywords: Installing a Floor safe, Floor safe Installation, Wall Safe Installation, home security