Find Your Motivation To Quit Smoking

Addiction to cigarette smoking is intense and complicated. Many people mistakenly attribute the problem to habit-forming nicotine, but there are so many more factors involved. Those factors can often be as diverse as the people who smoke.

But one thing is true across the board: quitting is not easy. While there are occasional stories about individuals kicking the habit “cold turkey” and never looking back, this is extremely rare and frequently results in an internal struggle that lasts a lifetime.

So, as a person who has helped to counsel people about quitting in the past, allow me to share some of my best advice so that you can wean yourself and quit for good.

First off, find your motivation. You need to pinpoint something that helps you to get EXCITED about kicking the habit. Many people quit for their children’s health or to set a better example for them, while others decide to stop for financial reasons.

This latter is often a big one, especially for people already living on a tight budget. Sit down and calculate how much you spend on cigarettes in a week or a month and then find out how that averages into your spending every year.

Then visualize what you could do with that money if you were not pumping it into your habit. Sometimes the possibilities are just the right encouragement for people to quit.

But for some, this isn’t the key. Think about your own health. If you need to be scared into quitting, then visit the local hospital and find out if you can visit someone with lung cancer or emphysema. If that isn’t the right approach, then set a goal to run a 5K or even a marathon.

Don’t be afraid Viagra Jelly to work up to quitting. As I mentioned earlier, going “cold turkey” is rarely effective in the long run, so you might Kamagra try switching to light cigarettes or electronic cigarettes to slowly downgrade the amount of nicotine you consume. Although these are not explicitly meant to aid in quitting, it can help your body adjust to lower levels of the addictive substance.

Then, once you feel comfortable, you can test out devices like the nicotine patch or nicotine gum. As you go through this process, it is wise to try to deal with the reasons you started smoking in the first place. Many women–and some men, too, of course–have body image issues and smoke because it curbs their weight, while others see it as a brief escape from their problems.

It seems oxymoronic to say this, but don’t give up on giving up. Take your life back from the addiction–you won’t be sorry in the long run.

Author Bio: Edge Cigarettes is your reliable and high quality source of electronic cigarette kits.

Category: Health
Keywords: electronic cigarette kits

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