Useful Dog Training Tips & Tools

You want to be able to train your dog for sports and want to know the best ways to do so. This can be a very beneficial activity because both you and your dog can get a lot of fun out of sports. This article will provide specific examples of how to train your dog for various types of sports that dogs can engage in.

When teaching a puppy basic commands, start with ‘sit’. This is the easiest one for a dog to master. Hold his favorite snack just above his nose, and firmly say ‘sit’. Most dogs will instinctively sit down at this point. Offer him the treat and don’t forget to praise him profusely. If he doesn’t sit, gently push his rear end towards the floor. After he has been sitting for a few seconds, give him the treat, and like before, remember to praise him.

At a very young age, puppies are able to learn simple commands. If your puppy is tired, highly excited, or exploring his space, your training session will probably not be very successful. You will need your puppy’s full attention to assure your training session is worth your time.

Only give commands you are prepared to follow through with, or the dog will learn that it is all right to ignore you. If you give the command to sit, the dog must sit immediately or you will enforce the command with a finger pushing down on the lower back. Never give a command and allow the dog to choose whether to obey you or not unless you want to let the dog be the one in charge.

Don’t feed your dog food they aren’t accustomed to when house training them. Very rich foods, in particular, make it hard for a dog to control their bowels. Stick to the tried and true in terms of types of food and the quantity you feed and the house breaking experience will proceed much more smoothly.

When training your dog to specific commands, don’t mix in pleasantries and other extra words. Give the command word sharply and alone. Your dog doesn’t understand words like “please”, and won’t be upset at your lack of manners. Keeping the commands alone and clear makes it easier for your dog to understand and obey.

Make sure your dog is used to being handled, including its mouth and feet. Dogs need their teeth brushed regularly, and once they are used to the routine it is much less of a struggle. It is also easier for the vet to examine them when needed. Toenails should be trimmed every month or so, and the process is less traumatic for dogs accustomed to having their feet handled.

If you are serious about training your dog, remember to be a dog during training. Dogs establish control and behavior through physical commands and less through spoken command. When you want your dog to exhibit a certain behavior, use nudges or posture adjustments physically along with your verbal commands. These are traits your dog expects and will respond accordingly.

When training your dog, never resort to violence. This will just scare your dog and teach him that you are not to be trusted. Instead, remain calm and redirect your dog to the behavior you want. Remember that your dog wants to please you, but he is not a human being. He may not understand what is expected of him.

In conclusion, dog sports can be very entertaining for you, the dog, and everybody involved. This is a great payoff; however, the training involved may be extremely difficult. If you follow the detailed training suggestions provided in this article, you will most likely be a successful dog sports trainer. Simply…I’m a pet owner and want to share my experiences with readers. I will add content, articles, advise, tips & tools for your dog. Lou Harty is a successful entrepreneur, Internet Marketer, and regular contributor to a number of online and offline investment publications and blogs. She is a successful speaker and renowned for her hands-on education techniques across a wide variety of investment, Internet and Business strategies. Lou attributes her passion, drive and discipline to her 20 Year career in the Australian Army training soldiers. Simply…I’m a pet owner and want to share my experiences with readers. I will add content, articles, advise, tips & tools for your dog. Lou Harty is a successful entrepreneur, Internet Marketer, and regular contributor to a number of online and offline investment publications and blogs. She is a successful speaker and renowned for her hands-on education techniques across a wide variety of investment, Internet and Business strategies. Lou attributes her passion, drive and discipline to her 20 Year career in the Australian Army training soldiers.

Author Bio: Simply…I’m a pet owner and want to share my experiences with readers. I will add content, articles, advise, tips & tools for your dog. Lou Harty is a successful entrepreneur, Internet Marketer, and regular contributor to a number of online and offline investment publications and blogs. She is a successful speaker and renowned for her hands-on education techniques across a wide variety of investment, Internet and Business strategies. Lou attributes her passion, drive and discipline to her 20 Year career in the Australian Army training soldiers.

Category: Pets
Keywords: Useful Dog Training Tips & Tools, Dog training, dog training tools

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