How Do You Fillet a Crappie

Crappies Tadalis SX are a small species of fish that are sought out by many anglers. They are one of the best species to seek out when first learning how to fish because they are easy enough for anyone to reel in a nice catch. Still, they can put up a good fight that makes fishing interesting and fun. This is one of the reasons that so many different types

of anglers fish for crappie. Another reason is because they taste great. In fact, some people will tell you they are the best tasting fish you Kamagra jelly could ever catch.

When filleted and cooked correctly they can make any meal seem like a feast. The key to a great tasting crappie is in the preparation so you need to know how to fillet a crappie the right way. This is a lot more important than many people realize. This is especially true for beginners because many people think you just take a knife and start cutting. However, there is an art to filleting a fish. Since crappies are a small species you want to get as much of the meat as you can form each one and the proper technique will allow you to do just that.

So how do you fillet a crappie the right way? Just follow the five steps listed below and you’ll be an expert in no time at all.

1. Start by gathering together all of your equipment. You’ll need a clean table to work on, newspaper, a bowl and a six-inch blade sharp edge knife. If you prefer, you can use an electric knife because as far as the filleting goes, it doesn’t matter which one you use. Some people just find it easier to use an electric knife while others have better control with the regular type. Lay the newspaper out on the table and fill you bowl with salt water and you’re ready to get started.

2. Lay out one fish at a time and start cutting just behind the pectoral fin. Angle the cut so it will point to the top of the head. You want to make sure you’re cutting parallel with the gills as you move the knife from the head to the tail. Put some pressure behind your cut so the tip of the knife is touching the bone but avoid cutting into the bone.

3. To make the filleting process easier, cut through the rib cage before you begin removing the meat.

4. Now, slowly cut the flesh away from the rib cage by running the knife along the edge of the bone. Now separate the fillets from the skin and rinse it with cold water.

5. The last step is to place them in the bowl of salt water and let them soak for twenty-four hours before cooking.

Author Bio: Dan Eggertsen is a fishing researcher and enthusiast who is committed to providing the best crappie fishing information possible. Get more information on crappie fishing here:
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Category: Recreation and Leisure/Sports/Fishing
Keywords: crappie fishing tips, cooking crappie, crappie fish recipes, how to fillet a crappie

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