Building a Home Gym

When asked whether you are going to work out at home or at the gym, the answer should be at home. By working out at home you can save time, money, and keep up your motivation to exercise because it is convenient.

In addition, the equipment you want to use is always available and you can design your gym to fit your needs. When reviewing the prices of home gym equipment it may not seem like you are saving very much money.

However, you do not need very much to start out with. By purchasing one or two items at a time you can realize what you are good at and what you like before you spend more money on things you will realize that you do not like or cannot use.

Most home gyms end up equipped with an adjustable bench, stacked metal weights with pin selection for load, pull down bars mainly for the lat pull down back exercise, press bars for pushing and pulling, a leg extension system, a leg curl system, and a seated cable row system for back and arms exercise.

Of course, aerobic exercise machines are often also included in home gyms. A few examples of these aerobic pieces of exercise equipment include stationary bikes, treadmills, or an elliptical.

There is a lot of portable equipment that you can invest in. These pieces of equipment are especially good choices because they can travel with you.

You will never have to miss your workout for vacations or business trips. These pieces of equipment include dumbbells, bench, balls, steps, bands, mats, abdominal workers and so forth.

If you have a little more room, you may want to invest in a free weight station. This is a rack of barbells, dumbbells, and plates.

Often adjustable benches are included in a gym with rack. Another popular component of a home gym, although more expensive, is a gym in one piece of equipment.

The most well known gym in one is the Bowflex machine. These machines typically feature an arrangement of composite bands, cords, and steel.

When you are looking at various pieces of equipment to include in your home gym, you will want to ask yourself what you want to achieve. This question involves analysis of your goals and commitment.

If you are beginning weight training for the first time, start with a few cheap pieces of equipment until you have established your level of commitment. You do not want to purchase an expensive piece of equipment and have it take up space in your house if you are not committed to strength training.

People who have goals centered on general fitness, weight management, or muscle tone and flexibility should probably start with a set of dumbbells. These people will want a heavier set for squats and lunges and a lighter set for arm exercises.

You may want to add an adjustable bench, fitness ball and exercise mat to you home gym. After that, if you are still committed you may want to add resistance bands or tubes.

At this point you will have a complete home gym. However, if you are still committed, want something new, and are willing to pay a little more you may want to invest in a multi-gym.

Depending on the multi-gym, you will likely end up paying somewhere between $500 and $4000. However, these multi-gym vary widely in features, quality, flexibility Brand Cialis and cost.

People who are at an intermediate level and have worked with weights for a while will likely want to start with a more comprehensive set of dumbbells and weights. They will also want to invest in an adjustable bench.

These people may even want to start out with a multi-gym. However, this is recommended against.

People who are at an advanced level are familiar enough with weights to know what works for them. Many advanced trainers keep a free weight set at home and like to work out with the variety offered at the public gym.

The second question you will want to ask yourself as your review gym equipment is how much your budget will allow you to buy. Even if your budget allows it, do not spend too much at first until you are aware of how committed you are to strength training.

As you work out you will receive many health benefits and a boost to your self-esteem. In addition, you experience greater self-confidence that will help you improve all areas of your life.
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Author Bio: Jack Landry has worked as a personal trainer for the last 14 years and written hundreds of articles about personal fitness and home gyms.

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Category: Fitness/Muscle Building
Keywords: home gyms

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