Defining The Seven Types Of Chakras

A chakra is what we call an energy center along the midline of the body. Some say it’s what connects the physical with the psychological in the body. There are seven primary chakras of the human body. Each of these can be used to heal various ailments in the body.

The concept of Chakras comes from traditional Indian medicine and has been studied for simply years and years. It’s important for anyone who is interested in learning about these energy points to understand the seven different kinds.

The first kind is the Sahasrara – known as the crown chakra. Generally, this specific point is one that is considered to be of pure consciousness. One can Cialis Professional find it at the crown of the head. Basically, this specific point is one that deals with the physical act of meditating as well as the release of karma.

The second kind is Ajna – known as the throat chakra. Some even know this point as the third eye. It can be found on the forehead in-between both eyes. Typically, this point involves the balance of our higher and lower thoughts. It also symbolizes intuition.

The third kind is Vishuddha – known as the throat chakra. As the name suggests, it can be found on the throat. The symbolization for this point is for growth and maturation. It also symbolizes self expression.

The fourth kind is Anahata – known as the heart chakra. This one can be found on the chest. This point has to do with the immune system and is related to well-being. Indeed, those who would like to govern their emotions would do well to pay attention to Anahata.

The fifth kind is Manipura – known as the solar plexus chakra. It has to do with the digestive system. Those who struggle with issues regarding digestion would do best by focusing No prescription cialis on the manipura chakra.

The sixth kind is Svadhisthana – known as the sacral chakra. As its name suggests, it can be found on the sacrum (in-between the hip bones). This point has to do with relationships, emotional needs as well as pleasure.

The seventh and final kind is known as the Muladhara – the base chakra. It is known for governing the stability, sensuality and sense of security among other things in the body. There are many aspects of each of the chakras that have not been discussed in this article. Indeed, there are many things that can and should be learned about the chakras and their amazing abilities to heal the body.

Author Bio: ( I am here to guide, help, and heal as many people who are in need and willing to take the first step, from inquiring questions to clairsentience to healing chakras.

Category: Business
Keywords: psychic mediums, clairsentience, healing chakras

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