What Are the Requirements for the Best Electronic Cigarette

I was a smoker for many years like a lot of you. I always wanted to quit smoking, always. But the addiction had me in its’ grips although I was constantly on the search for a substitute or some way of unwrapping myself from this ugly habit. I’d known for a long time that I was way more addicted to the habit of smoking cigarettes than I was to the nicotine in the cigarettes. I knew I needed a less dangerous substitute cigarette. So, I have to admit that I was thrilled when I first encountered electronic cigarettes a couple of years ago. Although as one would expect, not all electronic cigarettes are created equal. So what are the requirements for the best electronic cigarette?

Turns out, there are several requirements for an excellent or best, electronic cigarette. Having tried several brands in the beginning, I quickly learned the pros and cons of each. Like a lot of new things, these first electronic cigarettes, imported, had several problems. The biggest problem was that they worked intermittently, only emitting their mist on occasion unpredictably. Just when you desperately needed a “hit” they’d quit. Very frustrating. Some of them oozed nicotine. Other brands sold cartridges that didn’t even get me through one day.

Anyway, having tried many of these first imported e-cigarettes from China, I finally came upon the new generation of electronic cigarettes made in the United States. I was skeptical about these at first since, as I said, I’d tried several before with great disappointment. Having now had some really good, first hand experience with electronic cigarettes, I came up with a list of requirements for what a really good electronic cigarette should be able to do and/or offer:

First, it should be able to closely simulate the real smoking experience. This can be extremely important to someone trying to transition from tobacco cigarettes. That means that it needs to perform reliably and emit a consistent mist everytime you exhale. Hopefully, it will emit a mist equivalent to the amount of smoke emitted from a real cigarette.

The cartridges that you’ll need to replace periodically should last a reasonable length of time. Check with the manufacturer on this before you purchase any particular brand so you’ll be able to estimate your own costs for future cartridges.

The mist that’s emitted needs to be water or water and varying levels of nicotine not mixed with unknown chemicals.

The manufacturer should have this information clearly stated on their website.

The plastic cigarette needs not to be too heavy. In comparison to a regular cigarette, most electronic cigarettes feel heavy but some are really heavy, especially the longer ones which can be not only heavy but unwieldy.

It needs to be manufactured by a reputable company that controls the quality of the electronic cigarettes. A company that isn’t fly-by-night. Checking the manufacturer’s website can often give you a good idea or at least a feel for this. See if the manufacturer either offers a money back guarantee available and/or has clear contact information to support their product should you require it at any time.

You should be able to choose specific nicotine levels when choosing the cartridges for your electronic cigarette. Hopefully, you will be able to eventually break this habit as well by potentially decreasing nicotine levels in your cartridges. Make sure to choose the nicotine level cartridges that correspond best to your current Levitra Professional Viagra Professional />Author Bio: Marie Herik is a health researcher and grateful ex-smoker. For more information about electronic cigarettes click here

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: electronic cigarette,best electronic cigarette,the best electronic cigarette,cigarette

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