Graduation brings Decisions and Possibilities

With graduation comes a myriad of decisions about the future. With high school graduation comes the reality that one is no longer a child under the protective wing of their parent. It is scary, exciting and often perplexing for youth to take this next step. What are the decisions facing high school graduates? The first being the option of higher education with the endless choices of colleges and universities at their disposal. The second being a trade school where culinary arts, mechanics, hair care, medical techs among other options are available. Thirdly, graduates can get jobs and work while deciding on a life’s career. Do they live at home while attending school or incur the cost of university housing and independence? Some choose the military and take advantage of the options offered there. These are big decisions that can prove overwhelming at times to an 18 year old.

With all the occupational fields available for people to go into, the choices and decision of majors and university choices of studies is broad and vast. Doctors, lawyers, business, international business, accounting, sciences, mathematicians, marketing, horticulture, physics, biology; on and on the list goes with choices and areas of interest. It is hardest for those that don’t have a clue what they want to do. Those kids who have known from elementary school that they want to be dentist or nurses or scientist, have it a lot easier. They find the university that offers a respected major in their chosen field and pursue after that. They finish school faster than their undecided counter parts.

Right now, in our family, our daughter is studying to be a nurse, our son-in-law is attending classes on communication and marking, our niece is going to school to be an immigration lawyer in Miami, our son was just accepted into a fashion design school in California. Four different people, four different areas of study.

Graduation brings many decisions and growth for youth. They stand on the brink of their futures and some see clearly where it will take them and others see only fog and uncertainty. The first step into the future is simply to take a Kamagra step. Forward motion is always better than stagnation. I know of kids who made no decisions in the year following graduation and now four years later they are still at the local fast food diner, wondering what to do with their lives. I heard once the story of a man who was just graduating from medical school, a young student ask him how long it took, the graduate told him that he went to school from 18 to 30 to achieve his goal. The young student said that there was too much time, the graduate replied that he was going to turn 30 anyway so he might as well realize his dream. We are all going to age anyway, why not seek and realize your dreams. This is a time of opportunity and life’s decisions the world is truly open to them.

Author Bio: Burgos & Sosa are top-rated immigration lawyers in Miami, Florida. We distinguish ourselves by handling typical as well as complex immigration issues. Our mission is to deliver excellent, personalized, and vigorous legal representation to each and every one of our clients.

Category: Legal
Keywords: immigration lawyer miami, miami immigration lawyer

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