Indoor Bike Trainer

An indoor bike trainer is a good option for any individual looking to train for an event while the exterior weather conditions are far from perfect. It also provides a safe method for biking. It can be used for individuals that aren’t able to bike in their area, or find they don’t have a lot of extra time to do a long round trip ride. Unlike a stationary bike, a bike trainer will allow a person to use their own bicycle to practice on.

Before you go out to buy an indoor bike trainer, there are some vital things you must understand to get the maximum benefit from it.

One of the most important things you will need to know if your fitness level. Not ever bike trainer is designed for the beginner. If you are first starting out, try to find a piece of equipment that allows for a generous change in resistance. If possible, consider a unit that has little to no resistance.
When you are first starting out, it is important that you not try to overdo the exercise routine. These trainers help a person to build cardiovascular health along with leg muscles. But like with any exercise you can do too much an injure yourself. Take time to build up to longer indoor bike rides, and stop when your body feels fatigued.

Those concerned that an indoor bike trainer is difficult will find they most come at least 95% preassembled so you just have to attach your bike. On the side where you connect your bike to, there will be settings that allow you to adjust the resistance, or some models even have a progressive resistance that allows you to get a more intense workout as you pedal away.

Goals are another vital consideration you need to take during your workout. When you first begin the process, you might consider a constant pedaling for thirty minutes. As your fitness increases you may add resistance, or choose to maintain maximum cardio for thirty minutes over an hour workout. This will also allow you to continue increasing your benefits and maximize the amount of benefit you receive from the indoor bike trainer.

If your bike trainer has a CompuTrainer on it, use it to your benefit. Adjust the settings for 200 watts and monitor your RPMs. Your maximum workout speed should reach 100 RPMs, which a slow pace should be no less than 60 RPMs. If you are unable to achieve either, do the best you can. These are goals you Cialis Professional can work up to.

Keep in mind that any workout that grows stale will be one you start to avoid. Instead of just hopping on to the bike trainer, take some time to create a schedule for your workout routine. Here is a sample you might consider trying:

5 Minutes of Slow Pedaling motion to warm up the cardio system
2 Minutes of Fast Speed Pedaling on your comfortable resistance (100 RPM)
1 Minute of Seated Sprint. Give it your all during this sprint.
4 Minutes of Recovery Pedal (60 RPM)
3 Minutes of Standing Sprint (100 RPM)
4 Minutes of Recover Pedal (60 RPM)
1 Minute of Single Leg Pedal
1 Minute of Switch Legs and Pedal
5 Minutes Cool Down

Keep in mind that your indoor bike trainer can help to improve your overall health. If you are self conscious when you exercise or looking to increase your leg muscles this is the perfect option for you.

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Category: Fitness/Equipment
Keywords: Bike Trainer, stationary indoor bike trainer, indoor trainer for bike, indoor bike trainer workouts

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