Gooseneck Light Fixtures are Ideal for Historical Building Restoration Projects

Municipalities who are looking to restore historical buildings in their town center square can use gooseneck light fixtures to illuminate the signs and architectural highlights of famous historical landmarks.
No longer has limited to one or two model types, gooseneck light fixtures now offer an enormous diversity of sizes, lamp housings, and finishes to match the theme of any building’s architectural aesthetic.

They have become particularly popular in the illumination of historical buildings that have been restored.
Many of these older buildings are located in the middle of a town square. We see a courthouse, an old drug store, a law firm, and a doctor’s office all line up along the sidewalk.

The architecture is either 19th Century or early 20th Century, with all buildings sharing similar characteristics. Most are brick with awnings, and the signs are simple, painted logos that state the nature and name of the business.

Gooseneck light fixtures are perfect for such a restoration project because they can attach to the awning over the sign and unobtrusively extend far enough out into space to angle the light back down onto the lettering.
If there is no awning, they can also attach directly to the vertical brick surface. Fixture style and finish can be chosen to mimic the appearance of lighting fixtures that were common in the time of the building’s original construction. Even though these new sign lights are ultra-modern in performance, energy efficiency, lamp life, and electronic design; they look like relics of a simpler, more austere past.

In these applications, gooseneck light fixtures can also be used for more than simple sign lighting. They are also used to highlight important building Silagra exterior accent points.

Historical renovations, in order to be successful, must carefully reconstruct balconies, fire escapes, gutters, and ledges in order to make the building appear as it did when it was originally constructed. Brick and mortar must also be restored to its original color.

Communities investing government money in restoring these keynotes are going to want to make them clearly visible to people who visit the town square at night. In such cases, gooseneck light fixtures provide the perfect medium for illuminating any and all architectural high notes without obtruding into the field of vision.

Since they compliment the theme and color of the building, they actually enhance its appearance as well without creating the eyesore that other architectural lights would create in such a setting.

Gooseneck light fixtures can be mounted to either horizontal or vertical surfaces. Their simple design, consisting of a base, a hook-shaped arm, and lamp housing, allows their light to be directed from any number of angles toward the object of illumination.

They can either be used to compliment a sign, window awning, brick edifice, or ledge, or they can be semi-concealed and used only to bring attention to the scene at hand.

It all depends on the look and sensibility the community wants to create with its new lighting design and on what is most apropos to the truth of the period being represented.

Author Bio: RLLD Commercial Lighting offers energy efficient parking lot lighting and flagpole lighting fixtures sales.

Category: Business
Keywords: gooseneck lighting, sign lighting, outdoor goose neck sign lights

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