10 Topics To Consider For Your Thesis Statement
Are you having trouble thinking up a topic for your thesis? This can be hard especially when the professor allows you to choose whatever topic you like to write about. What might seem so easy could probably take you more than a few hours, or days. Even if you figure out 10 different topics for your paper, you might have a difficult time sticking to just one of the topics for your thesis.
Here are some good topics for a good thesis:
1.) Do you think animal testing in laboratories should be prohibited? Any animal supporters would oppose the idea of animal testing as it is cruel to animals. Animal testers would argue that this is completely safe and they treat animals like human.
2.) Do you think humans and animals should be treated equally? This topic should be quite unique because not just anyone would think of something like this. Do you think they have more rights than humans, or they should just be treated like properties? Too bad that people cannot hear the animals’ side of arguments. Overall, Kamagra Gold you would like this thesis topic if you are an animal lover.
3.) Do you think animal cloning should be illegal? This is a hot controversial topic that many people believe animal cloning should not be legal at all.
4.) Do you think there is a way to protect employee’s rights? If someone can get paid a dollar for each violation of employee’s rights at work, then somebody can become filthy rich. This can be a difficult topic to argue for a thesis paper so prepare to be challenged when you are writing about this topic – if you so choose to.
5.) Is there a way to motivate your employees to volunteer? If you ask your employee to do something that that will not be paid for, then the chances are that the employee will not take action to do it. If the volunteering is for a good cause, then maybe you can convince them to volunteer. This can be an excellent thesis topic for your professor to read.
6.) Do you think that cash can buy happiness for people? You should argue that money cannot buy happiness for a really interesting thesis paper to read.
7.) Should there be an age requirement for children to start using computers? You can see videos online of kids that are less than two years old on the computer, and they are more of an expert than the older crowd.
8.) Should cell phones be prohibited at work that does not require the use of cell phones? Many cell phone users would be angry if cell phones were prohibited at work. If you can argue that cell phones should not be banned, then you have a very interesting paper to write.
9.) Do you think bank robbers should be punished with a longer sentence in prison? While most civilians would agree to punish them severely, you can find an interesting way to argue that the crime should not be punished severely.
10.) Should plastic surgery be banned for people who do not need it? You can argue that only people who have been in unfortunate situations such as severe car accidents and so on should be allowed to receive plastic surgery.
Those are just a few topics you could use when looking to write a thesis. If they don’t help, then maybe you can search online for some one that can.
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Category: Writing
Keywords: writing a thesis, thesis writing, how to write a thesis, factor of writing a thesis, easy thesis