Dating Tips For Womern

Is he really that into you? Are you into him? Questions that have been pondered between the sexes for decades. How do you find that special someone? The ratio of women to men in some cities like Atlanta is 10 to 1. Although women are extremely particular nowadays on whom they spend time with, there are some issues that must be addressed before we even give a guy our real telephone number. Here are some of the items that are important on the list for women:

– Is the gentleman gainfully employed? If so, where and how long has he been there?
– What kind car does he drive?
– Does he own a home or live with his mother?
– How much money is in the bank?
– Married or Divorced?
– How many kids does he have?

Now I know what you are thinking; the one about what kind of car he drives should not be an issue. While some women do not have a problem using mass transportation to get around with their date, it becomes quite tedious if it becomes the norm. As for the rest, it is EXTREMELY important. Let’s break it down one by one:

Employment – who wants Viagra Jelly a man that sits around the house all day watching ESPN? If he has been with the company for awhile it means he has a future or is striving toward one.

Home – I don’t know of any woman wanting a mama’s boy for a boyfriend or husband. But, on the other hand, if he is good to mom, more than likely the guy will be good to you. Just make sure your business is not discussed with mother on a regular basis or expects you to pick up after or baby him like a child. In that case, he might as well marry the mama!

Money – It would be nice if he had a few dollars in the bank. Women are generous to a fault, but do not want to pick up the tab every time.

Marriage/Divorced – if the guy is married you should run the other way as quick as you can. Men never vary from the script (wife does not understand me, marriage was over a long time ago, I only stayed for the kids, etc.). As for the divorced male, find out from wifey where it went wrong. It may save you a lot of heartache in the long run.

Kids – this goes with the marriage/divorce thing. If he has other kids from previous relationships, then you might want to reconsider getting involved. One or two is fine, but when it gets to five and six (especially from different women), who needs the baby mama drama? Not you.

There are some other tips out there, but it would be too much to mention in one sitting. Would have to continue in another article, but you get the idea. Women are like fine wine; we need to be handled with elegance and class. Unfortunately, men will always have to learn that the hard way!

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Category: Society
Keywords: dating tips,different women,pondered between

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