Reality Television – How Real is It?

There are so many reality television shows on the air that it just makes my head spin. Everything from Big Brother to Bridezillas, we are captivated by the shenanigans of the individuals viewed on television. My question is how much of what we see is real? Are all those women on Bridezillas that mean spirited obnoxious and self-centered? Take that bride from Staten Island last season who thinks that everyone is beneath her because her family has lots of money. This woman won’t even be friends with people who are not on her level. If this is true, how sad to be ruled by money that you haven’t even inherited yet! But, you have to blame the parents for that type of behavior. Unfortunately, that is why so many young people have little respect for their elders; teenagers and young adults today think the older generation owes them something. I only hope that when I finally do get married, my demeanor will not come any way near what they act like on television. It has been stated on blogs and internet sites that in later seasons of the show, some of the brides are really acting and have been paid to do those things on the tube. If that is true and can be proven, then those brides are the worst actresses ever.

All this “reality” is going into overload. The public can’t even turn on the television without seeing some sort of reality programming on at least one out of every ten channels. Gone are the days of watching really funny comedies and shows that were there just to let you forget the day’s happenings and the chance to unwind. With the economy in the tank and no way of knowing when it will get better, the networks need to give us quality television that we are truly interested in. Just because a good percentage are into reality shows, what about the rest of us? Now we are being flooded with young and old people acting like they have lost their minds. There is a new show on WE Television called “Sunset Daze”, which is about a group of retired flirty seniors. Now I ask why would anyone want to watch a show which looks like a combination of Golden Girls and Jersey Shore? Although “The Golden Girls” was a fictional program (albeit a very funny one), that was enough for me. There is nothing wrong with seniors wanting to live their lives over again, but who wants to see some guy trying to get women wearing shirts and chains like he is back in the 70’s?

Reality television has become such a big business that the networks will put anything on television thinking the public will watch it. But, at some point you have to realize enough is enough. The public will begin to get turned off by all these shows that really don’t have any quality to it.

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Category: Entertainment
Keywords: reality television,reality television shows,television shows,reality shows

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