Assessing Your Needs

Let’s face it many of us want to experience more happiness in our lives. This happiness we often try to find through our work, our personal relationships or other factors that we value as being important. We find ways to go about making ourselves happy all the time. But have you noticed many of the things that are supposed to bring us insurmountable amounts of happiness have a tendency to do the opposite?

For instance, we see a new item that we must have. Since it is expensive, we have to save up for it. Once we have the money to buy the item we are so excited. Then when we finally buy it and use it, we then realize we still aren’t happy. We then go searching for something else that will make us happy. The only thing is this will continue to be a problem because what we initially thought would bring us happiness doesn’t.

This is why it is important to decipher what our needs and wants are. It is important because when we focus more on what we need in our life our wants no longer tend to take priority over our needs.

When we go around searching for happiness, it is often never found. This is because more often then not we have been told that in order to be successful or happy we must have many material items or possessions.

It is part of human nature to have needs, and it is also human nature to have desires or wants. The trick is to practice self control and learn the difference between an urge and a need.

For example, you may be in the grocery store and you have a grocery list of what you need to buy. You go down the isle where junk foods are located. You realize that you really don’t need these items. But what do you find yourself doing? You throw a couple of bags of chips into your shopping cart and call it a day.

Your excuse to buying those chips Cialis is that they were on sale and a good price. If we used this approach in life all the time, there would be a lot more people overweight and in debt.

Instead of buying what was on the grocery list (our needs), we decided to add a few of our wants to the items we were buying, these being the chips.

The simple fact is we always tend to give in to our desires and wants instead of focusing on our needs. When we learn to tend to our needs then many aspects in our lives can be more balanced and life can become more transparent.

Happiness should be defined as being happy with what you have and realizing that needs are being met. When we focus our lives around fulfillment of needs then we will no longer need to go around searching and obtaining our wants.

This is because our needs will be more important then our wants. When we learn to realize this then life’s meaning will be much more viable.

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Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: calgary counseling,psychologist calgary,therapist calgary,therapy calgary,therapists calgary

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