Choose Real Fitness Boot Camp Over DVD Boot Camp Lessons

Before you start your DVD boot camp lessons, just halt for a moment and think how lovely it would be if you were in the same natural environment as the instructor on your screen. In today’s world, technology has become an integral part of our lives, but our body always thrives in a natural environment. You may be comfortable working out in your home, but the whole purpose of a fitness camp is lost, if we workout in a closed room in front of a screen. The kids who are perpetually engrossed in video games are criticized by everybody and are encouraged to go out to play some real sport. The same rule applies to everyone; why choose to workout indoors, when you can go out and do some real physical exercise.

A fitness boot camp not only provides physical fitness but is an assortment of various activities. It helps you in meeting new people, who share the same interests as you do. You not only socialize, but also gain knowledge by sharing your thoughts and experiences; which is not possible by merely watching and robotically following lessons on a DVD.

Exercising is not just about exhausting your body and sweating out all those calories. Working out is like meditating, and breathing plays a vital role in it. While breathing in and out, presence of fresh air is very essential. So, it becomes important to workout in an open atmosphere, surrounded with trees, plants, flowers and fresh breeze. But, if you choose to compensate a healthy environment with a DVD lesson, you end up compromising your own health. Hence, it is a much wiser decision to participate in an actual fitness boot camp rather than blindly adhering to the lessons on a screen.

Every body is different from each other; different people have different level of stamina, endurance and tolerance etc. A lesson on a DVD will give you instructions as to how to perform a particular exercise and how beneficial it is for you; but all these instructions do not take your individual needs into consideration. On the other hand, in fitness boot camp you have easy access to your instructor, who will give you a much more personalized advice, after thoroughly assessing your current health and body status. Besides, while following a DVD lesson, if you perform a particular exercise in an incorrect way; you do not have anyone around you to rectify your mistake. You may think that you are following all the instructions in an appropriate manner, but you need professional assistance to pin point your mistakes.

Another advantage of fitness boot camp over a DVD lesson is that it keeps you motivated at all times. There might be instances, when you choose to skip a lesson or probably reduce the time required for a particular regime. This is normal human tendency. In a fitness camp, you are surrounded with people with whom you share a common factor, i.e. staying healthy. The participants in a fitness camp do not only share a camp, but also help in boosting each others morale and maintain a high motivational level.

A DVD lesson on a screen will give you all the required instructions and demonstrations; but it lacks the human touch, which cannot be replaced with any other form of technology. Going out in the natural environment, exercising with people, indulging in fun filled activities, getting personalized attention, working out together as a team, gaining new experiences everyday, learning to perform a particular exercise the right way and making your journey towards a good health enjoyable, are some of the few advantages of fitness boot camp over a lesson on the screen. Your motto towards a healthy Cialis Professional lifestyle should be to make the right choice and not the easy choice.

Author Bio: Dan Clay is the owner of Dangerously Fit Boot Camp. If you would like to book a Sydney boot camp or a free 2 week Sydney boot camp trial, visit Sydney boot camp.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet

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